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Happy News! 8 Portraits of Syahrini Announcing Pregnancy, Showing Baby Bump at Seven Months of Pregnancy

Happy News! 8 Portraits of Syahrini Announcing Pregnancy, Showing Baby Bump at Seven Months of Pregnancy


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Happy News! 8 Portraits of Syahrini Announcing Pregnancy, Showing Baby Bump at Seven Months of Pregnancy

Happy news surrounds Syahrini and Reino Barack. They are now eagerly awaiting the arrival of their baby, as Syahrini has just officially announced her pregnancy.

Previously, there have been many rumors circulating that Syahrini is pregnant. It turns out that her pregnancy is already at seven months. Check out their portraits of happiness below!


Even though many have already spilled the news that Princess Syahrini is pregnant, surely KLovers will still be surprised when seeing Syahrini and Reino Barack's latest post, right?


After 5 years of marriage with Reino Barack, their long-awaited moment of having a child is getting closer. Syahrini's pregnancy is already 7 months along.


Today, on Wednesday (22/5/2024), Syahrini answered all the questions from netizens. She officially announced her first child's pregnancy! Fellow artists gave their congratulations and prayers.


"Ah MasyaAllah tabarakAllah tetehhh, I'm so happy, touched by Allah, may both mother and child stay healthy," said Zaskia Gotik. "MasyaAllah... I'm happy for you, I hope everything goes smoothly until the birth, both Mama and Baby stay healthy... Amin," added Yuni Shara.


Princess Syahrini, who is currently pregnant, looks beautiful and her aura shines brightly. She is also happily smiling, showing off her growing belly.

Happy News! 8 Portraits of Syahrini Announcing Pregnancy, Showing Baby Bump at Seven Months of Pregnancy

Syahrini is pregnant at the age of 43, which is no longer young. Nevertheless, she still appears active in accompanying her beloved husband in various activities.


Reino Barack also looks very happy because he will soon become a father. The gender of the baby is not yet known, let's wait for further updates only on, KLovers!

Happy News! 8 Portraits of Syahrini Announcing Pregnancy, Showing Baby Bump at Seven Months of Pregnancy

Once again, congratulations on Princess Syahrini's pregnancy. May the mother and the baby in her womb be healthy. Hopefully, the delivery process will go smoothly, as there are only 2 months left.