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Haunting Thoughts Since Childhood, Joko Anwar Brings the Horror of Punishment in the Grave into a Film

Haunting Thoughts Since Childhood, Joko Anwar Brings the Horror of Punishment in the Grave into a Film Joko Anwar © Herdianto - Joko Anwar is ready to release his latest work titled SIKSA KUBUR which is a religious horror genre. The presentation under the Come and See Pictures banner was developed from a short film of the same title that was aired on YouTube.

Joko revealed that since the success of the short film, he and producer Tia Hasibuan have been thinking of making a feature film version. However, this desire could only be realized after twelve years passed.

"I produced the short film SIKSA KUBUR in 2012. After making that film, there was a tremendous response because it was considered a reminder film. We felt that it was interesting not only because it had many views, but also because the issue is important. Since 2012, Tia Hasibuan and I have been looking for ways to make it into a feature film," said Joko during a press conference at Epicentrum XXI, Rasuna Said area, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (28/2/2024).

1. Closely Related

Joko Anwar said that the short film version and the feature film version of SIKSA KUBUR are closely related. Although they have different formats, the two films support each other.

"So, the story of the feature film SIKSA KUBUR happened because of an incident in the short film. So, they are closely related," leaked the bespectacled director from Medan.

2. Unforgettable Things Since Childhood

Furthermore, Joko Anwar revealed that the lesson of the grave punishment has haunted him since childhood. So when he had the opportunity to make a film, that's what he worked on.

"I was raised with Islamic teachings since I was a child, and I also attended a religious boarding school in junior high and high school. Since I was young, I was familiar with the grave punishment, it's something I can't forget because it's terrifying. That's why I wanted to bring it to the film," explained Joko.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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