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Having a Luxury House Facing the Lake and Golf Course, Momo: Thanks God

Having a Luxury House Facing the Lake and Golf Course, Momo: Thanks God Momo Geisha (credit: instagram @therealmomogeisha) - Momo Geisha has a luxurious house located in Malang with her small family. Her spacious house is facing the lake and golf course.

This was revealed when Boy William visited Momo's house in Malang through his Youtube channel. Boy was amazed by the front view of Momo's house.

"That's a jacuzzi, it's so good, and the view is directly facing the golf course and lake, oh my god", said Boy William.

1. Thank You, God

While enjoying the front view of the house and admiring the beautiful golf course and lake, Momo was very grateful to have a house to live in.

"Thanks God, God is so good", said Momo.

2. Must Be Happy With Life Now

In addition, Momo also showed another spot to Boy William. Yes, at that time Boy was amazed to see the atmosphere of the place shown by Momo.

Momo revealed that she must be able to be happy with her current life with her small family. She even expressed a preference for living in her current home.

"Yes, Boy, you should be happy. Life keeps moving forward and now the steps are different, now you have a husband, a small family, and even a child, just enjoy living here far from the hustle and bustle of Jakarta, it's totally different, Boy, you know that in Jakarta, it's like I never go back to Malang, I just stay at home," Momo explained.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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