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Highlighted Already Unfollow on Instagram After Divorce, Natasha Rizky Reveals the Reason for Still Using This Term of Endearment for Desta

Highlighted Already Unfollow on Instagram After Divorce, Natasha Rizky Reveals the Reason for Still Using This Term of Endearment for Desta Snapshot of Natasha Rizky and Desta who are still united in raising their child despite being divorced (credit: - Natasha Rizky and Desta have officially divorced on June 19, 2023. Although they are no longer husband and wife, they still maintain a good relationship and work together in raising their three children.

In addition, Natasha Rizky and Desta often show a harmonious and peaceful relationship after their separation. However, recently the public was shocked by the news that they have unfollowed each other on Instagram. Netizens' reactions to the dynamics of Natasha Rizky and Desta's relationship have been varied.

This includes when they still use terms of endearment when interacting. This friendly attitude has caught the attention of netizens and has led to prayers for their reconciliation. However, Natasha Rizky has given her response as to why she still uses this term of endearment. Check it out here klovers.

1. Still Using Terms of Endearment

Natasha Rizky and Desta are examples that divorce does not always have to be accompanied by arguments. One example is when they interact on Desta's TikTok account. The term 'Abuy', which is an endearing term used when they were still married, is still being used. This well-maintained closeness proves that relationships do not always have to fade after divorce.

"What are you doing, Buy?" Natasha Rizki asked on her personal TikTok account.

2. Reasons for Still Using Terms of Endearment

Natasha chose to respond calmly and wisely because of the closeness that is still shown with her ex-husband. The beautiful 29-year-old artist emphasizes that the endearing terms seen are not signs of romance. However, the closeness seen is a form of commitment to provide the best for their children.

"Desta and I are friends, we still co-parent our children, so there is no issue," said Natasha Rizky when met at Plaza Senayan, Jakarta as quoted from Kapanlagi.

3. Revealing for the Sake of Children's Happiness

After the divorce, the main priority for Natasha Rizky and Desta is to maintain a good relationship as parents of their three children. They realize how important it is to continue working together to fulfill the needs and well-being of their children so that they do not lack parental love.

"I am still fine, we (Natasha and Desta) are definitely like that," she continued.

4. Stay Harmonious and Compact

One of the highlighted moments of togetherness between Desta and Natasha Rizky after the divorce is when they went on a vacation abroad with their children. A series of moments together during the vacation showed their harmony that impressed everyone. From various pictures, they captured each other's moments, making netizens hope for a reconciliation.

That's why Natasha Rizky still uses a term of endearment for Desta. What do you think, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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