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Household Conflict with Stefan William Has Not Subsided, This is How Celine Evangelista Protects the Mental Health of Her Children

Household Conflict with Stefan William Has Not Subsided, This is How Celine Evangelista Protects the Mental Health of Her Children Celine Evangelista © - The conflict in the household of Celine Evangelista and Stefan William seems to still not have subsided. Of course, this can have an impact on the mental health of the children of this celebrity couple.

However, Celine Evangelista realizes the condition of the household that affects her children. Therefore, she claims to have found a way to handle this.

Stefan William's wife asserts that nothing has changed in their attitude towards the children. Even though the situation is different from before.

"I give more love, more attention to them, and make them understand that nothing has changed," said Celine Evangelista when met in Kemang, South Jakarta, on Sunday (27/6) afternoon.

"Only me and him have changed, that's all," she added.

1. Limiting Work for the Sake of the Child

In addition, Celine Evangelista admitted that she also limits her activities and work. Not without reason, all of that is for the togetherness of the Italian-born artist with her child.

"Now I spend more time with them," said the 29-year-old woman.

2. Admitting Surrender

The star of the soap opera Catatan Hati Seorang Istri (Notes of a Wife's Heart) is grateful to see her children grow into happy and physically healthy individuals. However, she cannot deny that Celine already seems to have surrendered to God's path for her.

"I surrender to anything in this life. I believe in God, everything that is best is given to me, please pray," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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