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How Ussy Sulistiawaty Boosts Immune System, Remembers Pre-Pandemic Vacation Moments

How Ussy Sulistiawaty Boosts Immune System, Remembers Pre-Pandemic Vacation Moments Ussy Sulistiawaty (credit: - Ussy Sulistiawaty is one of the celebrities who was previously tested positive for Covid-19. Not alone, several people in Ussy's house also experienced the same thing, including her youngest son, Saka.

Fortunately, now Ussy and everyone in her house can resume their activities normally. Through her personal Instagram, the wife of Andhika Pratama shared her way to boost the immune system.

1. Beautiful Moments

Ussy Sulistiawaty said that the way to boost the immune system is by always thinking positive and remembering the beautiful moments in life. She then chose to reminisce about the times when she went on vacation to Korea before the pandemic.

"They say that thinking positive, being happy, relaxed, and remembering the good things always keeps the immune system healthy. I was looking at vacation photos from before Aunt Corona came, and everything was beautiful," she said.

2. Discipline in Health Protocols

Well, the Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing. Various efforts are being made to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. This includes disciplining oneself to adhere to health protocols in order to protect oneself and the people around.

#RememberMother'sAdvice, wear a mask, regularly wash hands with soap, maintain distance, and avoid crowds. Let's remind each other so that this difficult situation can pass quickly.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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