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Taking Care of El Ibnu, Sarah Dee Often Cries for Hours in the Bathroom

Taking Care of El Ibnu, Sarah Dee Often Cries for Hours in the Bathroom Sarah Dee (credit: Personal Documentation) - Sarah Dee, the girlfriend of Elkasih vocalist, El Ibnu, said that it is not easy to take care of a stroke patient. She admitted that she often cries for hours in the bathroom to let out her emotions.

"It must be difficult, because Bang El easily experiences mood changes. Yes, mostly to release emotions, crying in the bathroom," said Sarah Dee.

1. Causing Suffering

Not to mention, the wounds from the past when she and El Ibnu separated, sometimes come back to haunt her. The uncontrollable emotions sometimes make her suffer.

Sarah admitted that she was lucky after being introduced to Caezarro Rey Abishur, an expert in Tension Releasing Technique who can eliminate phobias and traumas in just a short duration of about 60 minutes.

Just by inhaling and exhaling, she feels a peace that she has never felt before. "truly peaceful," said Sarah.

2. Help Release Emotions

Not only Sarah, Rheo, the nickname of Caezarro Rey Abishur, also helps release El Ibnu's emotions, who is still disappointed and angry with the music label that did not pay him royalties.

The treatment performed by Rheo is indeed rare, it can release phobias and traumas in just a matter of minutes and the effects are permanent.

"Emotions are not meant to be controlled, why can this system be done in less than 60 minutes? because we eliminate emotions from the root, not try to control them." Rheo concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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