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Novi Rizki and Ervie Karlina Invite Orphaned Children to Shop at the Mall

Novi Rizki and Ervie Karlina Invite Orphaned Children to Shop at the Mall Novi Rizki and Ervie Karlina (credit: - Singer Novi Rizki does not want to waste the opportunity to increase good deeds in the month of Ramadan. In addition to obligatory worship, the singer of the song Cantik Itu Mahal (Beauty is Expensive) is competing in acts of social goodness.

Recently, Novi Rizki held a charity event together with orphaned children under the care of fashion designer Ervie Karlina.

"This Ramadan is a field of worship for me and Novi Rizki to give alms. So, the two of us organized a charity event," said Ervie Karlina, confirmed by Novi Rizki.


1. Sharing Happiness

Not only that, Novi and Ervie also share happiness by taking the children shopping for clothes at one of the malls in Bogor, West Java.

"They are pitiful, rarely buy and go to the mall, unlike us who can go to the mall anytime. Hopefully, by directly taking them to the mall and buying clothes there, they will be happy and can feel the happiness of Ramadan 1421 H," said Ervie, the owner of the brand @vhieofficial.

"These orphaned children are Ervie's foster children. I am impressed and proud of Ervie for consistently taking care of orphaned children in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic," explained Novi Rizki.


2. Prayers of Orphans Bring Goodness

Both Ervie and Novi hope that the prayers of the orphaned children will bring goodness to them.

"May my and Ervie's efforts go smoothly and be facilitated in finding a partner," concluded Novi.



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