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Inara Rusli and Virgoun Have the Same Phone Password when They Were Still Husband and Wife

Inara Rusli and Virgoun Have the Same Phone Password when They Were Still Husband and Wife Inara Rusli and Virgoun both know each other's phone passwords © Eka Permana - When they were still husband and wife, Inara Rusli and Virgoun were apparently a romantic couple, before their marriage ended in divorce. The proof is that Inara and Virgoun's phones have the same password.

"Our passwords are the same," said Inara when met in the area of Jalan Kapten Tendean, Mampang, South Jakarta, Thursday (28/12/2023).

It is known that the initial crack in Inara's marriage was caused by allegations of infidelity committed by Virgoun. At that time, Inara admitted that Virgoun himself gave her his phone, until finally Inara obtained evidence.

After Inara finally couldn't take it anymore and decided to expose her husband's alleged affair on social media, Virgoun was not happy. Finally, the father of three children reported Inara to the Jakarta Metro Police for alleged illegal access.

"He himself gave me his phone, so I'm confused when he says it's illegal access," said Inara Rusli.

1. Innocent Because Still Status as a Wife

Inara is certainly confused because she feels innocent because she has opened Virgoun's cellphone and finally uploaded a screenshot of Virgoun's private chat on her social media. Moreover, at that time their status was still husband and wife.

"It's illegal access if it's foreign, checking other people's phones. But if we were still husband and wife at that time, how could it be illegal access?" said Inara Rusli firmly.

Currently, the case is still ongoing and on Wednesday, December 27, 2023, Inara could not attend the investigator's summons due to her declining health condition.

"There is indeed an obstacle. Actually, I had pending work on that day too, because I wasn't feeling well," said Inara Rusli.

2. Will Cooperate

As a good citizen, Inara ensures that she will cooperate and attend the next examination schedule. Moreover, Inara wants her problem to be resolved quickly.

"Hopefully it will be resolved soon, there is a middle ground. We both suffer if one wins and becomes ashes, loses and becomes dust, and our children can also suffer losses," concluded Inara Rusli.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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8 Portraits of Pamela Bowie, Pregnant at 3 Months - Often Nauseous from Morning to Noon

8 Portraits of Pamela Bowie, Pregnant at 3 Months - Often Nauseous from Morning to Noon

Pamela Bowie is one of the actresses in the homeland who is currently in the spotlight. She is pregnant with her first child and is now in her 3rd month of pregnancy. As a young pregnant mother, there are various new things that she feels. Let's take a look at a series of portraits and information below!


8 Portraits of Pamela Bowie, Pregnant at 3 Months - Often Nauseous from Morning to Noon