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Intan Permata Flooded with Jobs Amidst the Pandemic, Latest Shooting Religious Soap Opera 'Suara Hati'

Intan Permata Flooded with Jobs Amidst the Pandemic, Latest Shooting Religious Soap Opera 'Suara Hati' Intan Permata is involved in shooting 'Suara Hati' / Photo Credit: - intannn_permata_ - The actress Intan Permata has been seen frequently on television screens lately. Intan's acting skills in the soap opera Angling Dharma have earned her various new project offers.

Currently, Intan is shooting a religious drama soap opera titled Suara Hati which airs on Indosiar. Despite the ongoing pandemic, this beautiful girl is always busy with jobs.

"Yes, Alhamdulillah, I have started shooting again, playing the role of Zakia in that soap opera (Suara Hati). I am grateful to have a good job during the Covid-19 pandemic," said Intan Permata on Sunday (13/2/2022).

1. New Challenges for Intan Permata

The star of the TV series The Series Arjuna said that the role she played in her latest title is full of challenges. The main reason is that the religious drama Suara Hati tells a story about love and marriage.

"Every role has its own challenges and different emotions, but I am happy and glad because I can sharpen my acting skills and others," said the sexy actress.

2. Ready to Accept Any Role

Every new challenge that comes in the acting world actually motivates Intan to give her best performance. Intan also admitted that she is ready to accept various scenarios prepared by the director.

"If asked about the most challenging role, of course, it is a role that I have never imagined or described before, but whatever it is, I have to be professional and give my best," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Sprinkling Salt on the Dish But It Spills Everywhere, Irish Bella Gets Criticized - Accused of Staging Because the Stove Doesn't Light Up