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Interesting Facts about Roger Danuarta, Once Fell into the Dark World and Now a Devout Convert

Interesting Facts about Roger Danuarta, Once Fell into the Dark World and Now a Devout Convert (Source: Instagram @rogerojey) - Roger Danuarta, born in Jakarta on May 20, 1982, is the eldest son of Johnny Danuarta, a famous hair stylist. His career started in 1998, and since then his name has always caught the attention of netizens.

With more than a decade in the entertainment industry, Roger has shown his talent and abilities that make him well-liked.

Roger Danuarta is also the husband of the beautiful actress, Cut Meyriska. They tied the knot on Indonesia's Independence Day, which is on August 17, 2019.

Currently, Roger Danuarta and Cut Meyriska are enjoying their happiness with their small family. They are blessed with two adorable children, Shaquille Kaili Danuarta and Jourell Kenzie Danuarta.

Here are interesting facts and career journey of Roger Danuarta that you may not have known before. Let's check it out!

1. A Challenging Career Journey

An actor born in Jakarta on May 20, 1982, started his career in the entertainment industry with relentless efforts.

In his career history, Roger Danuarta first appeared in the world of soap operas in 1997, in a popular series at the time, Jin dan Jun. At that time, Roger appeared in the 50th episode, playing the character Romi.

For the next 4 years, Roger Danuarta faced various challenges in building his career in the performing arts. Until finally, in 2001, he starred in a soap opera titled Cinta Berkalang Noda.

He then continued with a role in the soap opera Siapa Takut Jatuh Cinta in 2002, which further increased his popularity.

2. Former Drug User

As an artist, Roger Danuarta's life journey has not always been smooth. After reaching the pinnacle of his career, Roger fell into despair after being involved in a drug case in 2014.

As a result, Roger had to serve one year in prison and then undergo rehabilitation to free himself from the grip of the forbidden substance.

3. Making the Decision to Convert Religions

In October 2018, Roger Danuarta took a big step by deciding to convert to Islam. This decision was made after experiencing difficulties related to drugs and losing his mother forever.

4. Starring in Islamic Films

After embracing Islam, Roger Danuarta has been active in various films that uphold Islamic values. Some of the films he has starred in include Ajari Aku Islam (2019), #BerhentidiKamu (2021), Pintu Surga Terakhir (2021), and Cinta Subuh which was released in 2022.

5. A Love Story with a Happy Ending

Despite having a charming appearance, Roger Danuarta's love life is not as perfect as expected.

He has had multiple heartbreaks while being in relationships with Agnez Mo, Leony VH, and Asty Ananta. Even his marriages with Shandy Aulia and Sheila Marcia ended in failure.

However, at the end of his journey, Roger met Cut Meyriska, who wholeheartedly accepted him. On August 17, 2019, they got married and have become a harmonious couple until now.

6. What is Roger Danuarta's descent?

Roger Danuarta, who was born on May 20, 1982, is an Indonesian actor, singer, and model of Chinese descent.

7. In what year did Cut Meyriska get married?

On August 25, 2019, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta tied the knot. Now, they have been on a journey together in the boat of marriage for almost 5 years.

8. How many children do Cut Meyriska and Roger have?

Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta have a harmonious marriage and are blessed with two adorable sons.

9. Is Roger a Convert?

Roger Danuarta embraced Islam before marrying Cut Meyriska, which made many people think that his decision to become a convert was influenced by Cut Meyriska.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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