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IU Experiences Sexual Harassment During Live Broadcast, This Korean Youtuber Receives Backlash

IU Experiences Sexual Harassment During Live Broadcast, This Korean Youtuber Receives Backlash IU and BJ Tubo (credit: Special) - IU is truly a figure worthy of admiration. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has extraordinary talent in music and acting. It's no wonder that her personality has received praise as well.

That's why it's not surprising that many idolize her and even dream of becoming her lover. It seems that Yoo Joo Hwan, also known as BJ Tubo, a Youtuber and streamer on the Twitch platform, felt the same way.

Unfortunately, BJ Tubo crossed the line with his actions and received severe backlash.

1. BJ Tubo's Comment About IU

WARNING: Adult content!

Reported by Koreaboo, BJ Tubo has just collaborated with BJ Tomato and did a live broadcast together. They then played a game of choosing their ideal type by showing pictures of celebrities. When IU's photo was shown by BJ Tomato, BJ Tubo immediately reacted.

"Hey, I'm going to enter IU," said BJ Tubo while showing a forward and backward movement with his body towards the camera.

2. Korean Netizens' Reaction

Seeing what BJ Tubo did made many netizens who were watching feel uncomfortable. They then left comments for DJ Tubo.

"He's going too far now."

"I'm worried IU will get hurt because of this."

"This is wrong even though he is a big fan of IU."

3. DJ Tubo Apologizes

In response to the negative comments directed towards him, DJ Tubo apologized on his channel. Here is DJ Tubo's statement:

"I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable with my inappropriate behavior. I will not run away from my mistakes but choose to face them. I will make sure to change my image and concept so that incidents like this do not happen again. I apologize to IU and other DJs for involving them in my statement. I will make a separate apology to them. I sincerely apologize."

Let's hope that incidents like this do not happen again, to IU and others!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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