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Jordi Doesn't Visit Ruben Onsu, Sarwendah Reveals the Reason

Jordi Doesn't Visit Ruben Onsu, Sarwendah Reveals the Reason Jordi Onsu hasn't visited Ruben Onsu in the hospital © - Presenter Ruben Onsu is currently being treated at a hospital in Menteng, Central Jakarta. The father of three was previously reported to have collapsed while hosting an event in Majalengka, West Java.

Sarwendah and her children came to the hospital on Sunday (19/5/2024) to visit Ruben. However, his younger brother, Jordi Onsu, was not seen and Sarwendah gave a reason for his absence.

"Because Jordi is also waiting for his grandchild, his father's grandchild is currently in the ICU. So, he is really confused," said Sarwendah when met in Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Sunday (19/5/2024).

1. Busy with Work

Sarwendah herself did not visit her husband for long. The 34-year-old woman admitted that she was busy with work that was waiting for her.

"Coincidentally, me and the kids, so I have to hurry, because today I'm really busy," she said.

"Onyo was also asked by his father, his family (to) come home," Sarwendah continued.

2. Condition Improving

Sarwendah is grateful because Ruben's condition is now improving. Ruben experienced a drop in condition due to fatigue and lack of fluid entering his body.

"So earlier I asked, dad is dehydrated, exhausted, but so far he's fine. He was able to play with the kids," Sarwendah explained.

"So far, everything is fine. Maybe because it was really hot, so it's normal to get dehydrated," Sarwendah continued.

3. Pray for the Best

The mother of three children prays for the best for Ruben's recovery. Of course, so that her husband can resume activities as before.

"Pray for a speedy recovery," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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