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Kris Dayanti's Nervousness Accompanying Aurel Giving Birth to Second Child via Cesarean Section

Kris Dayanti's Nervousness Accompanying Aurel Giving Birth to Second Child via Cesarean Section Kris Dayanti's nervousness when Aurel Hermansyah gave birth to their second child © - Kris Dayanti faithfully accompanied her daughter, Aurel Hermansyah, in giving birth to her second child. The woman, who is familiarly called KD, is grateful that Aurel's cesarean delivery went smoothly. She is also happy that Aurel has given her a beautiful granddaughter.

"Alhamdulillah, at 05.30 AM, our second grandchild was born safely, a baby girl, 48 cm long and weighing 33 kg," Kris Dayanti said shortly before leaving the hospital where Aurel gave birth, in the Menteng area of Jakarta, on Saturday (11/11/2023).

During the delivery process, Aurel, according to KD, felt nervous, although she already had experience giving birth to her first child.

"Aurel personally felt more nervous maybe because she had already experienced the atmosphere of the hospital and the operating room, how the atmosphere might be a little tense. Until earlier, at 4 AM, she paid her respects and we were all ready to go to the operating room, so we felt her nervousness," she explained.

1. Skin To Skin

After Aurel gave birth to her second child, KD said that Atta Halilintar did skin to skin method with their grandchild while waiting for Aurel to wake up.

"The father did bonding skin to skin for two hours while waiting for Aurel to wake up. Aurel returned to the room at half past 8 after observation and her baby was immediately injected with vaccines and immunizations, vitamin K, I was afraid of making a mistake so there were two vaccinations given directly by the doctor," he said.

2. Aurel's Condition Gradually Improving

Kris Dayanti said that Aurel's condition is gradually improving. After Maghrib, Aurel has gotten out of bed and tried to do cleaning activities.

"Alhamdulillah, after Maghrib, the catheter has been removed. So after Maghrib, she got out of bed to try walking and learning to clean herself with the help of a nurse," said Krisdayanti.

3. Does Not Want to Reveal the Name

When asked about the name of Aurel and Atta's second child, Kris Dayanti refused to disclose it. According to her, that matter will be conveyed directly by the extended family.

"Let the extended family convey it," said Kris Dayanti.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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