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Latest Condition of Waty Siregar, Elma Theana's Mother who is Currently Suffering from Cancer, Experiencing Constant Pain for 24 Hours - Unable to Undergo Chemotherapy

Latest Condition of Waty Siregar, Elma Theana's Mother who is Currently Suffering from Cancer, Experiencing Constant Pain for 24 Hours - Unable to Undergo Chemotherapy Elma Theana & Waty Siregar © - Unpleasant news comes from senior artist Waty Siregar. Her health condition, which is currently suffering from cancer, has not improved. In fact, it is said that Waty Siregar is experiencing pain all day long.

With her current health condition, Waty is unable to undergo chemotherapy. As is known, chemotherapy aims to destroy cancer cells that are harmful to the body.

At the age of 66, special considerations are needed for Waty to undergo chemotherapy. Moreover, when she tried to undergo chemotherapy, Waty couldn't bear the side effects.

"So she's in pain 24 hours, there's no word for it. Even in the car, she's in pain. She only stays still (without pain) when she sleeps and she has to take a lot of medicine." What we are worried about is that she is already old and has to take medicine all the time, it's scary. So earlier there was an alternative because we wanted to reduce the medication, her pain was unbearable, very painful," said Elma Theana when met at her residence in the Cilandak area, South Jakarta, on Thursday (24/6) night.

"Well, yesterday we tried chemotherapy, but she didn't wake up for a week, vomiting, feeling nauseous, we couldn't bear it and the doctor said it couldn't be continued. So we continued with the medication. We just surrender and hope that at least it will reduce the pain in her hands, slowly miracles will happen," she continued.


1. Falling and Fainting in the Bathroom

In the midst of her advanced stage cancer condition, it turns out that Waty Siregar had an accident at home some time ago. Waty fell and bled and fainted in the bathroom without the knowledge of other family members.

"Her condition is already sick, advanced stage cancer and then she fell, so my mother's condition is really worrying after falling from the bathroom and fainting. Mama often takes pain medication, so she finally went to the bathroom, whether she fainted or fell asleep, anyway she woke up in the bathroom, we didn't know she was in the bathroom and didn't know how long she was in the bathroom, suddenly she woke up already bleeding. If you see the size of the swelling, the fall must have been extraordinary, the swelling is severe, the impact must have been very strong," revealed Elma.

2. Deny Rumors of Abandoning Parents

In addition to the challenges regarding Waty Siregar's health, it turns out that Elma Theana also has to deal with unpleasant rumors stating that she and her siblings have abandoned their mother. This immediately deepens Elma's sadness. Furthermore, this abandonment rumor has also reached Waty Siregar's ears.

Responding to the negative news about her family, Elma Theana certainly does not stay silent. This 46-year-old woman asserts that Waty Siregar's children have never abandoned their mother and have always taken care of her since the beginning of her illness.

"As children, we never neglect our parents, especially when they are the only ones left. It's completely wrong to abandon our parents. It makes my mother sad and she cries," said Elma.

"We have been taking care of our mother since her hands got sick, and we monitor her meals every morning. We also take turns taking care of her once a week. Moreover, when she had chemotherapy in a specific area, our care was exceptional," she added.




3. Tetap Bersyukur

However, Elma Theana does not forget to remain grateful despite facing various trials. She regularly gathers with her siblings, including Sonny Septian, to accompany their mother, even sleeping together.

"Alhamdulillah we are blessed with a close-knit family, and twice a week we always gather at my house and want to sleep with mom," said Elma Theana.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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