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Listening to Choi Siwon Giving Praise to EXO's Kai, Nagita Slavina Doesn't Want to Lose

Listening to Choi Siwon Giving Praise to EXO's Kai, Nagita Slavina Doesn't Want to Lose Choi Siwon, Nagita Slavina, Kai EXO (cr: Istimewa) - Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina together with their son, Rafathar, and the Rans Entertainment team, have just traveled to several countries. Their journey can be seen on the Rans Entertainment Youtube channel.

One of the countries they visited is South Korea. In that country, Raffi and Gigi visited SM Coex and the guide there was no ordinary person, it was Choi Siwon from Super Junior.

There, they were not only treated by Siwon, but also introduced to other artists from SM Entertainment. Yes, Siwon took Raffi and Gigi to the SM Museum.


1. Siwon Sees Kai's Teaser

At the SM Museum, each artist has their own room. There, fans can see the costumes that have been worn and the album concepts that have been done.

Of course, they also visited the EXO room. There happened to be a big screen in the EXO room that was playing Kai's teaser for the OBSESSION album. Siwon stopped for a moment and watched Kai's teaser.

2. Praise for Kai

After watching Kai's teaser, Siwon immediately commented, "This is Kai. He's really good at dancing," said Siwon in Korean.

The translator with them then explained what Siwon said in Indonesian so that Gigi could understand. After understanding, Gigi didn't want to be left behind and praised Siwon, "You too (meaning Siwon is also good at dancing)."

Hearing Gigi's praise, Siwon thanked her and smiled shyly. Yes, it's true, Siwon is also good and talented. Agree, ELF?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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