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Making It Cozy, 7 Photos of Anang & Raul Lemos' Togetherness That Captured Attention - Close Like Friends

Making It Cozy, 7 Photos of Anang & Raul Lemos' Togetherness That Captured Attention - Close Like Friends

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Making It Cozy, 7 Photos of Anang & Raul Lemos' Togetherness That Captured Attention - Close Like Friends

Anang Hermansyah is known to have had a less than good past with Raul Lemos. The man from Timor Leste was rumored to be the third party that caused his marriage with Kris Dayanti (KD) to end in separation.

Years have passed, Anang & Raul Lemos have actually become closer. The grandfather of Ameena & Azura has become increasingly warm and close like best friends. What do the photos look like?


This is one of the warm moments of Anang & Raul Lemos when they broke their fast together. This moment took place at Raul & KD's house.


They are no longer awkward to chat and sit at the same table. The wedding of Atta & Aurel in 2021 is said to be the momentum that made them closer.


Anang & Raul Lemos can be considered of similar age. The age difference between the two is only one year.


Previously, the togetherness of Anang & Raul Lemos was also seen during Azura's tedak siten, Aurel's second child.


Anang & Raul Lemos also became grandfathers who are very close together with Hanofial Asmid, the father of Atta Halilintar.


Anang & Raul Lemos are now often seen joking like close friends. Their moments together are often visible from the posts of Anang and Raul Lemos. 


Their relationship serves as a depiction that the conflicts of public figures that occurred in the past will eventually find a resolution and peace between the two parties.

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Already a Teenager - Having Critical Thinking, This is the Portrait of Shira, the Child of Pandji Pragiwaksono, Who is Now Studying in America

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Already a Teenager - Having Critical Thinking, This is the Portrait of Shira, the Child of Pandji Pragiwaksono, Who is Now Studying in America
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Rian Reveals the Reason D'MASIV Changed the Name of Petukangan Bus Stop, Becoming Witnesses to the Struggle Since the Beginning of Their Career - 22nd Birthday Gift