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Megawati Hangestri Leaves Red Sparks, Giovanna Milana Writes Touching Message

Megawati Hangestri Leaves Red Sparks, Giovanna Milana Writes Touching Message Giovanna Milana and Megawati Hangestri (credit: - Written by: Lily Ariani

The final round of the Korean V-League ended with a match between Hillstate and Pink Spiders on April 1, 2024. Hyundai Hillstate officially emerged as the champion, while the Red Sparks team secured the third position. With this, the journey of athlete Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi has come to an end.

Megawati's journey in the Korean V-League has not yet produced a victory. Her last match ended in a defeat with a score of three sets 0-3 against Pink Spiders. With this result, the Red Sparks had to accept elimination from the final round of the Korean V-League this season.

Nevertheless, Megawati has achieved an extraordinary achievement. She became the first Asian player to win MVP in the history of the Korean V-League. Now, Megawati will return to Indonesia and continue her journey in Proliga 2024.

1. Megawati Hangestri Returns to Indonesia

Ending her career in a South Korean volleyball club, Megawati Hangestri will play in Proliga 2024. She returns to Indonesia to represent Jakarta BIN club. The announcement was made through Jakarta BIN's official Instagram account @bin_volleyballclub on April 1, 2024.

“Introducing the opposite player from Jakarta BIN for Proliga 2024: Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi, Dian Wijayanti, Alya Annastasya, Ni Nyoman Shaniawati. Stay tuned for more information,” wrote Jakarta BIN's official Instagram account.

Meanwhile, Proliga 2024 is the 22nd edition of the grand volleyball tournament in Indonesia. The tournament will take place from April 25 to July 21, 2024. Matches will be held in nine different cities, namely Yogyakarta, Semarang, Palembang, Pontianak, Bandung, Gresik, Malang, Kediri, and Solo. Seven men's teams and seven women's teams will compete, including Jakarta BIN, which will be the new home for Megawati Hangestri.

2. Farewell Message from Giovanna Milana

Knowing Megawati's departure from Red Sparks, Giovanna Milana wrote a touching farewell message. While playing for Red Sparks in the Korean V-League, Megawati and Giovanna were close friends. Besides being a deadly duo leading to success, both Megawati and Giovanna were foreign players. Giovanna even considered Megawati as her own sister.

Here is the complete message written by Giovanna for Megawati Hangestri:

"To Mega,

I told myself to wait a moment before writing this because every time I start, I start crying... But oh well, here it is..."

God couldn't have placed a more perfect person by my side for this journey.

Both of us came, you could say, in a baby-like state... The volleyball culture we usually do is very relaxed, slow, and friendly. I won't use these words to describe volleyball in the V-League.

Moments after we started training, I realized that I had to learn and grow a lot mentally and physically."

I feel very stressed every day and often overthink everything and doubt my ability to survive this season.

But you...You always find a smile and laughter in every situation. You're tired just like me and we'll share the feelings together, but you always stay calm and take it one step at a time.

One thing I admire most about you is your incredible confidence and love for life. You're so warm to everyone around you, no matter what language they speak. I was surprised when I first arrived, you would be in the middle of a group of Korean girls and laugh and talk to them as if you were speaking Korean!

I will always cherish the words we shared together like "Ewwwwrrrr", "What the heck!", "Crap" and always being the last person in the cafeteria, laughing hysterically at the silly things we talked about.

I know we don't need to say goodbye, wherever life takes us. This is just a thank you to the world for being yourself and being by my side as we struggle through this season together, shoulder to shoulder. I don't know how I could do it without you.

I love you, my silly little sister. See you again!

Source: Instagram @ gia__day


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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