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Melaney Ricardo Recalls Happiness When Allowed to Go Home After Being Treated for Covid-19, Reminding That This Virus is Not a Hoax!

Melaney Ricardo Recalls Happiness When Allowed to Go Home After Being Treated for Covid-19, Reminding That This Virus is Not a Hoax! Melaney Ricardo (credit: - Covid-19 is still something to be cautious about, even though there is already a vaccine. Because if you get infected, it can be dangerous for our bodies.

That's something that Melaney Ricardo once experienced when she was treated for Covid-19. Of course, that's something that will never be forgotten by the mother of two. Therefore, Melaney uploaded an old photo of herself when she was just declared recovered.

1. Happy Smile

The photo was taken five months ago. Melaney looks happy and beautiful because she was allowed by the medical team to go home after undergoing treatment for 17 days. Although after that, she still had to self-isolate for two weeks at home.

"Yup I got long covid. It sucked! Soooooo grateful that today I am still given the opportunity by God to breathe without having to bother checking oxygen saturation, to be able to work again, and to be able to hug and sleep with my children again," Melaney wrote with gratitude.

2. Not a Hoax

Melaney now feels healthy and can continue to smile because God has given her health and she can overcome the difficult times. She once again reminds everyone that covid-19 is not just a made-up story.

"Covid-19 is not a made-up story! Not a gimmick! Not a Hoax. When I got this virus in my body I felt like it was the lowest condition of my body ever," she wrote.

Therefore, never forget #pesanibu (mother's message) to always wash hands with soap, wear a mask, and maintain distance when outside the house. Stay healthy, KLovers!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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