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Memes Prameswari Surprised Many Women Pay Attention to Billy Syahputra

Memes Prameswari Surprised Many Women Pay Attention to Billy Syahputra Memes Prameswari: - The moment of fasting month is used by several public figures to share, especially with their partners. One of them is the couple who are currently being matched by netizens, Memes Prameswari and Billy Syahputra. Memes once brought suhoor food for Billy Syahputra as a form of her attention.

"It's been a long time though," said Memes Prameswari with a smile when met in South Jakarta, Thursday (29/4/2021).


1. Many Giving Attention to Billy

That experience was very memorable for Memes. Because, she just found out that it's not only her who gives attention to Billy. 

"Apparently, many people bring him (Billy) food. Maybe because he has many friends," said the OVJ singer.

2. Reasons Why Billy is Idolized

Memes admitted that the incident did not make her jealous. She was aware that many people idolize Billy. Moreover, Billy has a compassionate nature.

"No (jealousy), many people are good to him. He is a good person, so it's natural for everyone to be good to him too," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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