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Moments of Verrell Bramasta Cooking for Sahur, Here’s the Menu He Made

Moments of Verrell Bramasta Cooking for Sahur, Here’s the Menu He Made Photo of Verrell Bramasta (Credit: Instagram/bramastavrl) - Verrell Bramasta once again captures attention with his actions during sahur. The video of the handsome actor uploaded by the fan Instagram account mybramastavrl
has gone viral.

Verrell Bramasta was seen cooking his own sahur meal. Still wearing pajamas, he was very enthusiastic about showing various dishes that he would enjoy. Verrell Bramasta prepared several dishes, such as an omelet, potato nuggets, and meat. This moment showcases a side of Verrell that is rarely seen.

So, what was the moment like when Verrell Bramasta cooked for sahur? Check out the complete information below.

1. Sahur Moment Verrell Bramasta

The month of Ramadan is a special moment for Muslims, including Verrell Bramasta. Despite having a busy schedule, Verrell still takes the time to prepare his own sahur. This decision shows that besides being talented in the entertainment and political world, Verrell also has skills in the kitchen.

2. Cooking by Himself

Through the video, Verrell Bramasta is seen still wearing pajamas. Casually, he prepares sahur food by himself while explaining his activities. Unlike other celebrities who often rely on household assistants, Verrell seems to enjoy preparing his own sahur.

3. Make Some Simple Menus

Even though he doesn't prepare overly complicated dishes, Verrell still ensures that his pre-dawn meal is nutritious and filling enough. He chooses to cook a few simple menus that are easy to make, yet still delicious. From his cheerful expression, it's clear that Verrell Bramasta truly enjoys the process.

4. Omelette, Potato Nuggets, and Meat

In his sahur menu, Verrell serves a protein-rich omelette, practical and filling potato nuggets, and a plate of meat. This combination can be considered simple, but it still meets the nutritional needs for a full day of fasting.

5. Already Handsome, Independent

Not only his handsome face that always steals the attention, this time it is Verrell's independence that is in the spotlight. Moreover, cooking is a basic skill that everyone should possess. This makes Verrell even more idolized, especially by his fans who praise his attitude.

6. Immediately Flooded with Praise

After the video of his sahur moment circulated, netizens immediately flooded the comment section with praise. Many referred to Verrell as the ideal man because he is not only handsome but also reliable in everyday life.

Well, that’s a series of moments of Verrell Bramasta cooking for sahur by himself. Let’s start following news about other celebrity sahur moments, KLovers! If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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