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Monitor the Vina Cirebon Death Case, Hotman Paris Suspects Something Fishy After Discovering This...

Monitor the Vina Cirebon Death Case, Hotman Paris Suspects Something Fishy After Discovering This... Hotman Paris © Akrom Sukarya - Hotman Paris intervened in monitoring the investigation of Vina's case, who died after being assaulted and raped by a motorcycle gang in 2016. As we know, the life story of the deceased is being discussed again after being adapted into a film titled VINA: SEBELUM 7 HARI.

While monitoring the case, Hotman received information that the statements of the eight perpetrators who were arrested were changed when the case files were transferred from the Cirebon Police Resort to the West Java Regional Police. This certainly made him wonder.

"The case (Vina's) has been transferred from the Cirebon Police Resort to the West Java Regional Police. What's interesting is that during the first examination, these eight individuals (perpetrators) stated that there were three other perpetrators, but then it changed," said Hotman when met in the Grogol area, West Jakarta, on Thursday (16/5).

1. Request for BAP Suspects to be Retaken

Knowing this information, of course Hotman Paris felt suspicious. Therefore, he wants the West Java Regional Police to re-investigate Vina's death case by conducting a re-examination of the BAP.

"Our suggestion to the West Java Regional Police is to gather all the prisoners and, if necessary, re-examine their BAP as witnesses. We will continue to monitor, continue to write letters, and continue to report until the Polda officers carry out their duties professionally," said Hotman.

2. Suspects Withdraw Statements

Meanwhile, the Director of Criminal Investigation of the West Java Regional Police, Police Commissioner Surawan, stated that when the case files were transferred from the Cirebon Police Resort to the West Java Regional Police, it turned out that eight suspects, accompanied by their legal representatives, chose to withdraw their statements. Therefore, they plan to repeat the BAP.

"They withdrew their statements themselves. So when the case files were transferred to the Police and examined, they withdrew. Those eight people will be re-examined. There will definitely be further investigation, especially in pursuing three wanted persons," said Police Commissioner Surawan as quoted from Kompas Bandung, Friday (17/5).


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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