Kapanlagi.com - Recently, the cycling trend has re-emerged. From the lower to upper class, many people are cycling again during the pandemic. In addition to daily activities, the increasing awareness of the importance of exercising during the corona pandemic has become the reason.
These local celebrities also have a hobby of cycling. Some of them have been cycling for a long time. They share their activities through their respective Instagram accounts.
What is the picture of their excitement when cycling? Instead of being curious, let's take a look at the excitement of these celebrities while cycling.
1. Pevita Pearce

(credit: instagram.com/pevitapearce)
Pevita Pearce is known as one of the actresses with a healthy lifestyle who enjoys sports. In her Instagram account, this beautiful artist often shares moments when she is exercising. It turns out, Pevita enjoys cycling.
Not only does she like indoor sports such as going to the gym and yoga, the younger sister of Keenan Pearce also enjoys outdoor sports, one of which is cycling. This can be seen when she prepares to start cycling, from wearing special cycling clothes, helmets, and shoes. Not to forget, Pevita also wears sunglasses that make her look so enchanting.
2. Ditto Percussion

(credit: instagram.com/dittopercussion)
Muhammad Pradana Budiarto, or better known as Ditto Percussion, also takes the time amidst the corona virus pandemic to exercise by cycling. Accompanied by his only child, Sekala, they both have a great time cycling together. In fact, they also strictly adhere to health protocols by wearing masks while cycling. This father and child portrait looks so adorable.
3. Tarra Budiman

(credit: instagram.com/Tarrabudiman)
Furthermore, artist Tarra Budiman is also not left behind in doing cycling, which is currently a trend in the midst of this pandemic. Even the father of one child looks so cool with a very hypebeast appearance. With the background of Jakarta's skyscrapers, Tarra looks so happy while cycling with his friend, Ditto Percussion.
4. Wendy Cagur

(credit: instagram.com/wendycagur)
Comedian Wendy Cagur also has a hobby of cycling. Like in this photo, he and his wife have matching bicycles. In fact, he used to cycle to avoid Jakarta's traffic congestion. The 41-year-old man sometimes shares his cycling moments on his personal Instagram. Not forgetting, he adds a short story about his cycling experience in the caption column.
5. Andrea Dian

(credit: instagram.com/andreadian)
Next, the beautiful artist who loves sports is Andrea Dian. The 35-year-old woman is known as one of the Indonesian celebrities who adopts a healthy lifestyle. She frequently uploads her exercise activities on her Instagram account. Andrea enjoys various fitness exercises, including cycling.
6. Nirina Zubir

(credit: instagram.com/nirinazubir_)
The full name owner Nirina Raudhatul Jannah Zubir, or commonly known as Nirina Zubir, also has a passion for cycling. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, she remains determined to continue cycling.
She also often shares short stories about maintaining health protocols while cycling during the pandemic. On several occasions, she frequently cycles accompanied by her husband, Ernest Fardiyan Syarif.
7. Sigi Wimala

(credit: instagram.com/sigiwimala)
Actress and model Sigi Wimala is also not left behind in living a healthy lifestyle by regularly exercising. One of her choices to burn calories is cycling. Despite the pandemic, she continues to engage in this physical activity.
Those are some celebrities who enjoy cycling even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to you, who is the coolest?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.