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New Fact Revealed, Husband Turns Out to Frequently Commit Domestic Violence Against Nindy in Front of the Children

New Fact Revealed, Husband Turns Out to Frequently Commit Domestic Violence Against Nindy in Front of the Children Instagram Nindy - New facts have emerged regarding domestic violence (KDRT) allegedly committed by Askara Pasarady Harsono against his wife, Nindy Ayunda.

Apparently, Askara committed KDRT against Nindy Ayunda in front of their young children. This was revealed by Dicky Muhammad Kurniawan, Nindy Ayunda's legal representative.


1. Children Witness Domestic Violence

"The children often witness the violence committed by their father against their mother," said Dicky when met in the Fatmawati area, South Jakarta, not long ago.

Seeing the brutality committed by their father certainly deeply disappoints the children. This matter was even reported to their grandmother, Ratmulyati.

2. Grandchild's Story

"Yes (reporting domestic violence to her grandmother), so Nindy's mother also heard from her grandchild that her father is being violent towards Nindy's mother," said Dicky.

As a reminder, Nindy filed for divorce from her husband, Askara, around January 2021, shortly after her husband was arrested for drug abuse and possession of firearms. Nindy stated that she experienced alleged domestic violence during her marriage with Askara.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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The Figure of Pushpika De Silva, Winner of Mrs Sri Lanka Whose Crown Was Removed on Stage - Now Files a Lawsuit

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The Figure of Pushpika De Silva, Winner of Mrs Sri Lanka Whose Crown Was Removed on Stage - Now Files a Lawsuit