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Newly Discovered Venna Melinda's Habit of Snoring While Sleeping, Ferry Irawan: I'm Falling More in Love

Newly Discovered Venna Melinda's Habit of Snoring While Sleeping, Ferry Irawan: I'm Falling More in Love Ferry Irawan just found out about Venna Melinda's habit. © Akrom Sukarya - Venna Melinda and Ferry Irawan are now officially husband and wife after getting married three weeks ago. When they became a couple, Ferry Irawan revealed Venna Melinda's habits.

Venna Melinda admitted that she snores while sleeping. But for her, it is a normal thing due to the increasingly busy activities.

"I feel like I have a husband, I'm happy. But he snores when he sleeps. Hahahaha, maybe he's just tired," said Venna Melinda when met in the Jagakarsa area, South Jakarta, on Friday night (25/3).

1. Venna Snoring

However, when Ferry Irawan found out that his wife had a habit of snoring while sleeping, he didn't mind. In fact, it made him fall more in love with his wife.

"Yes, I love her more. When she sleeps, her face looks different. So I'm very happy, I even stroke her head," said Ferry Irawan.

"Yes, she's being pampered, happy right? Especially these past 9 years alone," added Venna Melinda, responding.

2. Grateful

In addition, Venna Melinda and Ferry Irawan certainly hope that this happiness will continue to be felt. Although they do not deny that there will be trials that will hinder their love.

"Alhamdulillah we are grateful, the process can be passed one by one. Thank you for the prayers from everyone," Ferry Irawan concluded.

3. Because of Love

On the same occasion, Venna Melinda also did the same thing with her husband. She also emphasized that her relationship and marriage with Ferry Irawan were purely because of love and affection.

"Yes, until now the comments are still negative, but it is precisely those comments that make us more solid, because we never intended this marriage. There is no me using (taking advantage of, ed) abi or vice versa, everything is from the intention," said Venna Melinda.

4. Not Taking Advantage

"Whether it's marriage or work, the intention is already good. What's important is that along the way, there may be people who like it or not, that's life. That's why I say don't let it affect us, just come out and clarify if necessary, as long as we are right. Because our marriage has no materialistic aspect in it at all. Now I am content to start everything from scratch. Allah not only provides sustenance but also love in our hearts," continued Venna.

5. Minder

In addition, Ferry Irawan admitted that he felt inferior when he was in a relationship with Venna Melinda because at that time his condition was still unstable.

"At that time, it was very humanly natural to think 'is it true that Venna and I will end up together?' I didn't know at that time. But my strength at that time was in prayer, I just hoped that if it was meant to be, Allah would make it easy, but if not, I asked to be kept away, that's it," Ferry Irawan concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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