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Nikita Mirzani Spends Rp150 Million to Enhance Assistant's Breasts, They're Too Big

Nikita Mirzani Spends Rp150 Million to Enhance Assistant's Breasts, They're Too Big Nikita Mirzani © Herdianto - Nikita Mirzani's assistant, Dhea, recently garnered public attention when she was bought a luxurious laptop. Now, she has once again caught the public's eye due to her decision to undergo breast surgery.

Yes, Dhea's breast surgery moment was recorded on the Crazy Nikmir Real Youtube channel on Friday (3/7) last week. Dhea underwent the surgery at a clinic and was directly handled by a plastic surgeon.


1. Too Big

According to Dhea, she had this surgery because her breasts were too big and causing her back pain.

"I want to have breast surgery because my breasts are too big. For the sake of my back health, I will reduce the size of my breasts," said Dhea.

2. Reducing the Mass

The doctor also added that Dhea's breasts will have their mass reduced and lifted.

"What we can do is reduce the mass of her breasts and then lift the nipples. So the position will be more proportional," said Dr. Nungky.

3. Digging Deep into the Pocket for Rp150 Million

Furthermore, the clinic openly discussed the cost of the surgery. Yes, apparently, all the expenses are covered by Nikita.

"If it's from the management here, the cost is Rp150 million. But fortunately, it's the boss who's paying for it," said the woman named Fransiska while pointing at the beautiful actress.

4. Pay Attention to Dhea's Health

For this star of the film JAKARTA UNDERCOVER, digging deep into the pocket for hundreds of millions is not a problem because Dhea's health must also be taken into consideration.

"Yes, because Dhea is working with me. So I have to prioritize her health," said Nikita.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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