Kapanlagi.com - In this world, there are several people who are born twins. Born together with siblings, twin children usually have many similarities, from physical appearance to character. Especially for identical twins, as they grow older, it usually becomes more difficult to distinguish them.
In the entertainment world in Indonesia, we know that there are two handsome actors Marcel Chandrawinata and Mischa Chandrawinata as twin celebrities. Both of them are known to have similar faces and physiques. Both of them have a career as actors, and Marcel and Mischa also have the same charm. That's how twin siblings are.
In addition to Marcel Chandrawinata and Mischa Chandrawinata, it turns out there are several celebrities who also have physical similarities. Interestingly, unlike Marcel and Mischa who are clearly twin siblings, these celebrities don't even have any blood relation.
Who are they? Here are some celebrities who have physical similarities, even without a blood bond.
1. Ayu Dewi - Patricia Gunawan

(credit: instagram/mrsayudewi/patriciagouw)
Both Ayu Dewi and Patricia Gunawan, also known as Patricia Gouw, have oriental faces and look so alike. Currently, both of them are also pursuing the same career as presenters and models. Not only similar in appearance, these two tall and beautiful women are also known to have the same character. Both Ayu Dewi and Patricia always appear cheerful and often show funny actions in front of the camera.Â
2. Hesti Purwadinata - Ayu Hastari

(credit: instagram/hestipurwadinata/ayuhastari)
For a long time, many people have considered Hesti Purwadinata to be so similar to Ayu Hastari. Because of their resemblance, it is not uncommon for people to mistakenly call them. Like water and fire, Hesti Purwadinata and Ayu Hastari have opposite characteristics. As we know, Hesti is known as a presenter and comedian who often brings laughter. Meanwhile, Ayu Hastari tends to have a calmer nature compared to Hesti.
3. Giorgino Abraham - Cakka Nuraga

(credit: instagram/giorgino_abraham/cakkanrg)
Among male celebrities, there are Giorgino Abraham and Cakka Nuraga who have similar faces. Especially, when both of them appear with long hair and thin beard. These two handsome celebrities pursue different professions. Giorgino as an actor, while Cakka is more known as a singer. Despite that, both of them have charm and charisma that can be compared.
4. Chelsea Islan - Tatjana Saphira

(credit: instagram/tatjanasaphira/chelseaislan)
Who doesn't know Chelsea Islan and Tatjana Saphira? These two beautiful ladies are like prima donnas in the entertainment industry of the country nowadays. They both have beautiful faces and excellent acting skills. Chelsea and Tatjana also look similar at first glance. Moreover, they both have the distinctive beauty of mixed-race girls. Besides their similar faces, Chelsea and Tatjana's elegant appearance also makes them even more similar. It's not wrong that both of them become the prima donnas of the current entertainment world.
5. Acha Sinaga - Nadila Ernesta

(credit: instagram/nadila_ernesta/achasinaga)
Both entering their thirties and already becoming mothers, Acha Sinaga and Nadila Ernesta are becoming more and more alike. They look similar physically. Starting from their nose, eyes, and lips, Acha and Nadila are very similar. Especially when Acha and Nadila let their hair down, they really look like two halves of a betel nut.
6. Nagita Slavina - Gita Gutawa

(credit: instagram/gitagut/nagitaslavina)
Although there is a 6-year age difference between Nagita Slavina and Gita Gutawa, many people say they look alike. Nagita and Gita both have the typical beautiful Indonesian women's face with fair skin and shiny black hair. In addition to their similar faces, Gita Gutawa and Nagita Slavina also have sweet and captivating smiles.
7. Marsha Aruan - Nabilah Former JKT48

(credit: instagram/nblh.ayu/aruanmarsha)
Celebrities like twin siblings are Marsha Aruan and Nabilah, former members of JKT 48. Equally young and beautiful, Marsha and Nabilah are so similar. Marsha and Nabilah have a similar appearance, looking feminine with their long hair that is so enchanting. Moreover, Nabilah and Marsha have sweet smiles with their buck teeth.
Those are some portraits of celebrities who look like twin siblings, even though they are not blood-related. According to KLovers, who looks the most similar?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.