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Not Like Jengkol, Flavio Zaviera Star of 'DARI JENDELA SMP': Just Holding It Already Smells!

Not Like Jengkol, Flavio Zaviera Star of 'DARI JENDELA SMP': Just Holding It Already Smells! Flavio Zaviera (Credit: - It's been months, the soap opera DARI JENDELA SMP is still a favorite show for viewers. Although initially controversial, the exciting story of Wulan and her friends is too good to miss.

Unbelievably, this soap opera has reached 500 episodes. High ratings are often achieved. All of this is thanks to the amazing acting of the cast, including Flavio Zaviera who plays Raquel.

Perhaps not many people know about the other sides of this beautiful actress from Sidoarjo, East Java. It turns out, she really doesn't like Jengkol. This was revealed in Jefan Nathanio's recent Youtube channel.

She tells her experience of holding Jengkol. Just holding it, it already smells, let alone eating it.

1. Never Tasted

"I've been like this before, I was given jengkol. I swear, when I touched it like this, my hands smelled really bad," she explained.

What's even more interesting, the girl who is usually called Vio doesn't like jengkol and pete even though she has never tasted them before.

"No, I don't like it. I've never tried it but I don't know, I just don't like it. And I don't want to try it," Vio continued.

Jefan Nathanio immediately added, "I don't like pete and jengkol either," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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