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Not the Quiet and Waiting Type of Girl, Ariel Tatum Will Directly Approach: If You Like, Let's Go!

Not the Quiet and Waiting Type of Girl, Ariel Tatum Will Directly Approach: If You Like, Let's Go! Ariel Tatum (Credit: Instagram/arieltatum and Youtube/Enzy Storia) - The name Ariel Tatum is certainly not unfamiliar to Indonesian society. Besides having a beautiful face, she also has various advantages in the field of arts. Moreover, she has started her career in the entertainment industry since she was young.

Now, Ariel Tatum has become an idol figure with many fans who pay attention to her. So, when her old video resurfaces, it can become a hot topic. In the video, Ariel Tatum admits that she is not the type of girl who is quiet and waiting if she likes someone.

Knowing this, netizens have been giving their responses. Well, if you want to know more, let's check out the following information.


1. Not the Quiet Type of Girl

Through her conversation video on the Youtube channel Enzy Storia, Ariel Tatum admits that she is not the type of girl who is quiet. The video, which was actually uploaded in 2021, resurfaces and becomes a hot topic on social media. This is because the video contains a statement that Ariel Tatum can be active and express her feelings to the person she likes.

"In my history, I'm active, not passive, if I like someone I speak up. Fortunately, I'm not the type of girl who just waits quietly," said Ariel Tatum.


2. Love Language Ariel Tatum

To Enzy Storia, Ariel Tatum admitted that she is someone who finds it difficult to express herself. However, she has a love language of quality time and physical touch. In the context of friendship, Ariel enjoys cooking for loved ones.

"My love language is actually quality time and physical touch, but in the context of friendship, my love language is cooking for loved ones," said Ariel Tatum.


3. Ideal Type of Man

Regarding the ideal type of man, Ariel Tatum initially thought that she had a certain type. However, she eventually realized that she could fall in love with someone who did not fit that type. She admitted that she does not have a physical type, but rather feels comfortable and connected to that person. In addition, she also likes men who can put themselves in other people's shoes.

"I used to think that I had a type, until I fell in love a few times with people who I didn't think were my type, so I thought I don't have a physical type."


4. Starting Career Since Childhood

Ariel Tatum did not achieve her fame as an actress, model, and singer instantly. She started her career in 2004 when she was only 8 years old. After becoming a commercial star, Ariel Tatum began acting in films and soap operas. In 2012, she also became a duet partner with Ari Lasso and performed in many events. Her singing career was continued by releasing several singles. Until now, she has successfully starred in many film titles, soap operas, and FTVs.


5. Had a Break

During the period of 2018-2019, Ariel Tatum started to rarely appear in the entertainment world. She also limited her activities on social media. It turns out that she did take a break to deal with mental health issues. Although not active in the acting world, Ariel Tatum still works as a brand ambassador for e-commerce products. The rest of the time, she focuses on recovery activities and pursuing various hobbies.


6. Back in the Entertainment World

After a break of about two years, Ariel Tatum has returned to the entertainment world in her home country. She is reported to be acting alongside Nicholas Saputra in a film titled SAYAP SAYAP PATAH. Even the release date of the film has already been announced in August. Fans are eagerly awaiting the 25-year-old girl's performance.


7. Breaking Netizens' Hearts

Ariel Tatum is one of the actresses who has many fans. Her beautiful appearance and extraordinary talent flood various Instagram posts with praise. However, recently she made netizens heartbroken because of a post that contained a photo of her kissing Nicholas Saputra's cheek. Actually, the photo is a promotional poster for her latest film. But the chemistry in the pose made netizens feel jealous.

Well, KLovers, that's a portrait of Ariel Tatum with a myriad of charms.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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