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'One Piece' Finally Adapted into Netflix Live Action Series

'One Piece' Finally Adapted into Netflix Live Action Series One Piece Cosplay / Credit: Pinterest - It hasn't been a month since Netflix announced its collaboration with Studio Ghibli, and now the popular streaming platform is bringing another news that is equally sensational for Anime fans worldwide. This time, it's One Piece that will be adapted into a live-action series and produced in America.

Undeniably, One Piece is one of the most popular manga and anime in the world today. The manga created by Eiichiro Oda first debuted in 1997, while the anime premiered in 1999.

Rumors about the live-action adaptation of One Piece have been circulating since 2017. However, at that time, there were no new updates, so many assumed that the news was just a mere speculation.

1. Aired 10 Episodes

Today, Thursday (30/1), Netflix finally officially announced that they have started on the way to work on the live action One Piece. From the circulating information, there will be 10 episodes aired from the live action.

Furthermore, One Piece Netflix already has an official Twitter account. Oda has also made an official statement regarding the news of the making of the live action One Piece in various languages.

"I know I announced this back in 2017, but it takes time! Our preparations have slowly started behind the scenes and I can finally make this big announcement; Netflix, as one of the biggest streaming platforms, will provide their biggest production support to us. This is very exciting! How far will the story go in the 10 episodes? Who will be the cast? Please be patient and stay tuned," said Oda.

2. Negative Fan Reactions

Interestingly, the news of the live-action adaptation of One Piece has sparked both positive and negative reactions from fans. Many express their disagreement with the idea of turning this anime into a live-action production. Not without reason, as several previous anime adaptations have been quite disappointing.

However, one thing to note is that Oda himself will be involved as the executive producer of the live-action One Piece. So, it is possible that the essence of the anime will be strongly felt in the live-action version.

Meanwhile, the script is written by Matt Owens, who has previously worked on popular films such as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Luke Cage, and The Defenders. Joining Oda, other names involved in the production include Steven Maeda, Marty Adelstein, and Becky Clements.

3. One Piece Story

One Piece tells the adventure of a young man named Monkey D. Luffy as a pirate. His mission is to find a treasure called One Piece and become the Pirate King.

Throughout his journey, Luffy successfully gathers several members, each with different abilities and characteristics, such as Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Tony Chopper, Zoro, Franky, Brook, and Jinbe.

The anime One Piece itself is greatly loved due to its highly complex story and a large number of characters. Each character has a deep background story. Above all, the fight scenes are fantastic.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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