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Pandemic Changes Everything, Here's What Ira Wibowo Can No Longer Do in This Year's Ramadan

Pandemic Changes Everything, Here's What Ira Wibowo Can No Longer Do in This Year's Ramadan Instagram Ira Wibowo - It must be admitted, the pandemic that is happening all over the world has indeed changed everything. Before the pandemic, there were many activities that could be done during the fasting month, of course, with family or friends.

Now, these activities can be said to be quite limited, even prioritizing health protocols. Ira Wibowo also feels the same.


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A post shared by Ira Wibowo W. (@irawbw)


1. Actively Holding Iftar Gathering

She said that before the pandemic, Ira was one of the most 'active' in holding iftar gatherings with friends or family. Now, after the pandemic, the iftar gatherings have significantly decreased.

"There used to be so many iftar gatherings with friends... but now, on the 17th day, it's only the second time I'm having iftar together... Covid really changes everything...," she wrote in the caption.


2. Hoping for the End of the Pandemic

She also hopes that everyone can be given health, strength, and patience in facing this pandemic. In the same caption, Ira also hopes that this pandemic can end quickly.

"May we all be given health, strength, and patience, and the spirit to get through this pandemic that we don't know when it will end ???????? hopefully it ends soon, the pandemic...," she concluded.

#RememberMother'sAdvice KLovers, always wear a mask when traveling, avoid crowds, wash hands regularly, and maintain distance.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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