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Play Beautiful Widows in Horror Film 'PAKU TANAH JAWA', Masayu Anastasia Competes Acting with Snakes

Play Beautiful Widows in Horror Film 'PAKU TANAH JAWA', Masayu Anastasia Competes Acting with Snakes Credit: Armani Entertainment - Masayu Anastasia is ready to show her acting performance in a film titled PAKU TANAH JAWA. This horror genre presentation is prepared to be screened in all cinemas in Indonesia starting from June 6th.

In Bambang Drias' film, Masayu is plotted as a beautiful widow named Handini who captivates many men in her village. The residents view Handini negatively because they suspect that her beauty is obtained through practicing black magic.

1. Acting with Snakes

During the shooting process in Yogyakarta, Masaya Anastasia not only acted with humans but also had to act with snakes. Before shooting, she needed to approach the reptiles.

"This film involves snakes, and there are quite a few of them. I approached them, learned how to hold them, and understood about the animals," said Masayu as quoted from a text message received by on Monday, May 13, 2024.

2. Research on Mount Tidar

Bambang Drias, the director, said that the idea for the film PAKU TANAH JAWA was taken after conducting research on Mount Tidar. However, it was then developed into an interesting and terrifying horror film scenario.

"After the research, Mount Tidar has been believed to be the center of power and supernatural abilities on the island of Java. From there, we had the idea and developed it. Although it doesn't take the story of Mount Tidar, it relates to present life such as black magic and other supernatural practices," explained Bambang Drias as quoted from a text message.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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7 Portraits of Gading Marten, Tora Sudiro, and Wendy Cagur Cosplaying as Superheroes, Got Pranked on Their Birthday

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7 Portraits of Gading Marten, Tora Sudiro, and Wendy Cagur Cosplaying as Superheroes, Got Pranked on Their Birthday