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Andro Nidji's Story of Being Treated in the Same Room with His Late Mother: I Asked the Nurse Not to Call My Name

Andro Nidji's Story of Being Treated in the Same Room with His Late Mother: I Asked the Nurse Not to Call My Name © Santoso - Andro Nidji has a story about his late mother, Djusmeati or Mea Sidharta, who was still being treated in the hospital in December 2023. When his mother was being treated in the ICU, the 40-year-old man faithfully took care of the person who gave birth to him.

It was known that his mother suffered from diabetes, which led to complications in her heart. Due to exhaustion, Andro also became tired and eventually collapsed and was also treated at the same hospital.

"Yes, that's true. It was funny, like a chase. So my mother was in the ICU and I took care of her constantly, suddenly I didn't feel well, shortness of breath and all that," Andro said after the funeral at Tanah Kusir Cemetery, South Jakarta, on Monday (13/5/2024).

"Then I checked and it turned out to be my heart, so I also entered the ICU and we were put next to each other. Finally, I told the nurse and doctor to arrange it so that even though we were in the same room, my mother was in the left corner and I was in the right corner. I asked the nurse not to call my name," Andro added.

1. Treated in the Same Room with Mother

Because he wanted to take care of his mother, Andro asked to be treated in the same room, but he didn't want his mother to know. The Nidji bassist didn't want his mother to worry more because she was also diagnosed with a heart condition.

"Because if my mother knows, she will be afraid and worried. When I was there, my mother asked why Andro didn't visit the family said Andro was performing with Nidji out of town," he said.

2. Mother's Condition Improved at One Point

After going through that December, the late mother's condition improved for a while. Unfortunately, after last Eid, Andro said that his mother dropped again and eventually had to be hospitalized again.

Because the condition worsened, Andro finally talked to his mother. He admitted to his mother that he was ready if it was time for her to go.

Currently, the late mother's body has been buried in TPU Tanah Kusir, South Jakarta. She was buried together with her husband who had passed away in 2004.

"Actually, it was just the night before, I said 'Mom, please let go of Andro, Andro doesn't need to be worried about anymore, Andro can live on his own, I'm willing if you go' and then she passed away the next night," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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