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Police Arrest Artist with Initials CA in Connection with Prostitution, Detained in a Luxury Hotel

Police Arrest Artist with Initials CA in Connection with Prostitution, Detained in a Luxury Hotel Police Arrest Artist with Initials CA in Connection with Prostitution © - The police have arrested another artist related to an online prostitution case. This time, the initial of the soap opera artist is CA, who was successfully apprehended by the Jakarta Metro Police.

The arrest was revealed based on information from the Head of Sub-Directorate I of the Cyber Crime Sub-Directorate of the Jakarta Metro Police's Special Crime Investigation Directorate, Commissioner I Made Redi.

"At the end of this year, based on reports from the public, we have successfully apprehended a soap opera artist with the initials CA who is involved in a prostitution case," said I Made Redi in a video statement on the Instagram account @kapoldametrojaya, Friday (31/12/2021).

I Made Redi continued, CA was arrested at one of the hotels in Central Jakarta. Currently, CA is undergoing intensive questioning.


1. Luxury Hotel

"Arrested at one of the luxury hotels in Central Jakarta. The security measures have been carried out in accordance with applicable procedures and involve female police officers," he said.

For more information, I Made will explain it in a press conference. "Further information will be provided in the press conference," he concluded.


2. Child Prostitution Practice

Previously, cases of artist prostitution have attracted public attention. The latest one involves the name of model and celebrity Cynthiara Alona. She was involved in a trial for alleged child prostitution.

The arrest of Cyntiara Alona began with the police officers of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police who raided a hotel in the Tangerang area on suspicion of engaging in underage prostitution. The raid took place on Tuesday, March 16, 2021.

3. Hotel Owner

After investigation, the police named Cyntiara Alona as the hotel owner and two other individuals, AA and DA, as pimps, as suspects.

Cynthiara Alona's case has reached its final stage. In the trial held on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, the Panel of Judges decided that Cynthiara Alona was guilty of violating Article 296 of the Criminal Code.

4. Imprisoned for 10 Months

Therefore, the panel of judges consisting of one chief judge and two associate judges unanimously sentenced Cynthiara Alona to 10 months in prison. 


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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