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Police Have Arrested Last Child Band Crew, the Person who Provided Methamphetamine to Virgoun

Police Have Arrested Last Child Band Crew, the Person who Provided Methamphetamine to Virgoun Virgoun obtained methamphetamine from Last Child crew © Kafril - West Jakarta Metro Police continue to investigate a narcotics case involving singer Virgoun. In the latest development, the police have arrested someone with the initials B or BGS. He is the person who provided methamphetamine to Virgoun.

The West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Commissioner M. Syahduddi, revealed that this arrest is part of the investigation into the criminal act of drug abuse committed by Virgoun and his female friend, PA.

"Currently, investigators from the Narcotics Investigation Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police have successfully apprehended an individual named B or BGS who is the supplier of methamphetamine given to Mr. V (Virgoun)," said the West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Commissioner M. Syahduddi, on Monday (24/6/2024).

1. Already Held a Case

Furthermore, Syahduddi explained that the day before, investigators from the narcotics detective unit of West Jakarta Metro Police had conducted a case hearing together with the Wasidik Bureau of the Metro Jaya Regional Police Directorate. As a result, Virgoun and his female friend, PA, were named as suspects in this case.

"V and his female friend named PA were named as suspects," he said.

2. Existence of Financial Transactions

Although no evidence of narcotics was found during the arrest of B or BGS, B is the person who provided the type of narcotics known as sabu to Virgoun. In addition, investigators found financial transaction records that support his confession.

"B or BGS indeed did not find any evidence of narcotics but he admitted that he provided the narcotics to V and there are also financial transaction records," he said.

3. Evidence

During the search of B, several stubs of synthetic narcotics or gorilla tobacco use were found. B also admitted to being an active addict of synthetic narcotics.

"During the search of B, several stubs of synthetic narcotics or gorilla tobacco use were also found. B also admitted to being an active addict of synthetic narcotics," said Syahduddi.

4. Last Child Band Crew

Then Syahduddi explained that the suspect B or BGS is a colleague of Virgoun who works as a crew member of Last Child band.

"This suspect B is actually V's coworker. He works as a crew member for V's band and indeed, in several statements he admitted to providing methamphetamine to V several times," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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