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Police Say Epy Kusnandar Smoked Marijuana on a Tree Behind the Apartment

Police Say Epy Kusnandar Smoked Marijuana on a Tree Behind the Apartment © Santoso - West Jakarta Metro Police officially named actor Epy Kusnandar as a suspect in a drug case. The actor who played Kang Mus in the soap opera PREMAN PENSIUN is known to have consumed marijuana obtained from Yogi Gamblez.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner M. Syahduddi revealed that Epy Kusnandar smoked one joint of marijuana on March 21, 2024.

"EK confirmed YG's statement that on March 20, 2024, when EK was about to smoke, he found one joint of marijuana inside his cigarette pack," said Syahduddi at West Jakarta Metro Police, Friday (5/17/2024).

"Furthermore, EK consumed the joint of marijuana the next day, on March 21, 2024, around 04.00 AM on a tree located in the backyard of the apartment," added Syahduddi.

1. Satu Linting

Syahduddi added, Epy consumed the marijuana on top of the tree located in the backyard of his apartment at 04.00 AM.

Then, the unfinished marijuana was stored in an empty jar and was forgotten about.

"Brother EK just found the leftover joint about two weeks ago. Then, Brother EK consumed the leftover joint alone on top of the tree in the backyard of the apartment," he explained.

2. Consuming on Top of a Tree

According to Syahduddi, Epy felt that consuming marijuana on top of a tree was a safe action, especially because it was his first time using drugs.

"The person only consumed marijuana once. Maybe there was also a sense of worry, fear. So he tried to find a safe place, behind the apartment," concluded Syahduddi.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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