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Portrait of Hendra Sumendap, Fitri Carlina's Husband who is a Pilot, Fit at the Age of Forty

Portrait of Hendra Sumendap, Fitri Carlina's Husband who is a Pilot, Fit at the Age of Forty (Source: Instagram @fitricarlina) - Lately, the public has been busy talking about Fitri Carlina's husband. This is due to Hendra Sumendap's decision to end his career as a Garuda Indonesia pilot.

Hendra Sumendap became known to the public after marrying dangdut singer Fitri Carlina. As known, they got married on December 9, 2014. Fitri Carlina's husband has an unusual profession in Indonesia, which is a Garuda Indonesia pilot.

1. Career and Reputation

Hendra Sumendap's career and reputation can be considered extraordinary. When he left the government airline, Hendra had a touching farewell moment with cabin crew and other pilot colleagues.

2. Warm Personality

Hendra is often recognized as a loving husband to his wife. Despite his busy schedule, he has been seen accompanying Fitri Carlina at various events.

3. No Children Yet

Despite not having children, Hendra Sumendap remains committed and loyal even when Fitri Carlina became desperate and asked him to remarry at one point.

4. Often Sharing Moments with Husband

Through her social media account, Fitri often shares pictures of her husband while he is on duty. This is a way to reduce longing for her husband, as they are currently in a long-distance relationship.

5. Her Father is a Military Aircraft Pilot

Recently, it was revealed that Fitri Carlina disclosed that her in-laws, who is also Hendra Sumendap's father, is a military aircraft pilot. "My in-laws, a pilot, Hercules aircraft, the last rank is Air Marshal. So he is an Air Force General," Fitri Carlina revealed through Maia Estianty's YouTube channel.

6. Reportedly Has a Salary of 200 Million

Fitri Carlina has responded to the news about a Rp 200 million salary mentioned by Dewi Perssik as the monthly payment for her future husband, Captain Rully. "The amount of a pilot's salary depends on the company. Secondly, it depends on the company's policy. Each company has different policies, and it also depends on the position. Flight hours also have an influence," said Fitri Carlina.

7. Netizens are Also Curious About This

What does Fitri Carlina's husband do?

Fitri Carlina revealed that her husband works as a pilot.

Why is Fitri Carlina famous?

Fitri Carlina is actually an artist. She is widely known as a dangdut singer and often performs on and off stage and on television.

Does Fitri Carlina have children?

Fitri Carlina has been married to pilot Hendra Sumendap since 2014. Until now, the 36-year-old singer from Banyuwangi has not been blessed with children. Since 2016, Fitri Carlina has been trying various programs to have a child.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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