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Portrait of Issa, Nikita Willy's Child, Traveling to Al Ula, Surprisingly Already Able to Swim

Portrait of Issa, Nikita Willy's Child, Traveling to Al Ula, Surprisingly Already Able to Swim Portrait of Issa and their parents in Al Ula City (Source: Instagram/nikitawillyofficial94) - Issa Xander Djokosoetono, the first child of Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan, went to visit the city of Al Ula after performing the umrah pilgrimage with their parents. Even though they are only one year old, Issa apparently has been taken to perform religious rituals and explore Saudi Arabia.

In Al Ula City, Issa appeared happy enjoying time with their parents amidst the stunning natural scenery. They also did not forget to swim in Al Ula City, even daring to do so without wearing floaties.

Here are portraits of Issa, Nikita Willy's child, traveling to Al Ula, summarized on Monday (4/3/2024).

1. Visiting Al Ula City

On Saturday (2/3/2024), Nikita Willy shared a post on her personal Instagram account, @nikitawillyofficial94, about her small family's moment visiting Al Ula City after performing the umrah pilgrimage. Their first child, Issa, also joined them in visiting the city.

2. Happiness in Al Ula City

In Al Ula City, Issa appeared very happy enjoying time with his parents. He even ran around and was carried by his father, Indra Priawan, while laughing joyfully, spreading happiness.

3. Not Even 2 Years Old, Already Traveling the World

Although not even 2 years old, Issa has traveled the world visiting various countries. He has even performed the umrah pilgrimage before visiting Al Ula City with his parents.

4. Good at Swimming

Apparently, Issa is good at swimming and can jump into the swimming pool without using floaties. He swims accompanied by his parents with the breathtaking view of Al Ula City's natural scenery.

5. When was Baby Issa Born?

Issa Xander Djokosoetono is the first child of Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan. Born on April 7, 2022, this baby, who is affectionately called Issa or Baby Izz, will finally turn 1 year old.

6. Who does Issa Xander resemble?

In addition to his striking resemblance to Wi Ha Joon, Issa Xander is known for Nikita Willy's inspiring parenting style.

7. How old is Baby Issa?

Born on April 7, 2022, Baby Izz is now one year old.

8. Where was Issa Xander born?

Baby Izz was born in the United States on April 7, 2022.

9. What Ethnicity is Nikita Willy?

She is the eldest child of Henry Willy and Yora Febrine, and has a Minangkabau ancestry. Nikita Willy introduced elements of Minangkabau culture in her marriage to Indra Priawan on October 16, 2020.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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