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Portrait of Santyka Fauziah's closeness with the Sule family, Dinner together with Putri Delina and Rizwan Fadilah

Portrait of Santyka Fauziah's closeness with the Sule family, Dinner together with Putri Delina and Rizwan Fadilah Portrait of the Sule Family Having Dinner Together (Youtube/SL Media) - After divorcing Nathalie Holscher, comedian Sule began a new relationship with a woman from West Java named Santyka Fauziah.

It is known that their closeness began when Santyka asked Sule to teach her how to do live broadcasts on TikTok.

Since then, their relationship has grown closer and they often upload moments of togetherness.

Santyka Fauziah's name has caught the attention of netizens due to the significant age difference between her and Sule, which is 18 years. This has sparked controversy among netizens, but Sule responded to it calmly and admitted that he is not bothered by the age difference.

On Monday (27/11/23), Sule introduced Santyka Fauziah to his children through a dinner agenda at a restaurant.

Although Rizky Febian could not join the dinner agenda, Santyka Fauziah still appeared close to Putri Delina, Rizwan Fadilah, and Ferdy.

The dinner agenda was uploaded on the YouTube channel SL Media, and the video received many comments from netizens, with many wishing for Santyka and Sule to be a couple.

Summarized from the YouTube account SL Media, on Friday (1/12/23), here are portraits of Santyka Fauziah's closeness with Sule's three children.

1. Familiar with Putri Delina

Santyka Fauziah appears to be familiar with Putri Delina during a dinner together.

She seems to be listening attentively as Putri Delina enthusiastically explains the menu at the restaurant.

2. Rizwan Fadilah and Ferdy also Join the Dinner

Rizwan Fadilah and Ferdy also join the dinner. Both of them also welcome Santyka into their family life warmly.

3. Even though Rizky Febian Cannot Attend, All Three Still Welcome Santyka Kindly

The older brother, Rizky Febian, cannot attend the dinner event as he is currently on vacation in Thailand with Mahalini.

Nevertheless, Putri Delina, Rizwan, and Ferdy still welcome Santyka kindly.

4. Santyka Feeds Food to Rizwan Fadilah and Ferdy

In the video upload of the dinner agenda, Santyka is seen feeding food to Rizwan and Ferdy with love and affection.

Santyka's interaction with Rizwan and Ferdy has garnered much praise from netizens, as she appears to be genuine like a birth mother.

5. Wished to Get Married Soon, Netizens: Hope They Get Married Soon

Santyka and Sule's relationship is starting to gain approval from netizens, as they seem more compatible during the dinner agenda.

"Hope Sule and Santyka get married soon, they look perfect and beautiful,” said a netizen in the YouTube comments section SL Media.

6. Who is Santyka Fauziah?

Santyka Fauziah, who is often called Santyka, is a popular figure on the TikTok platform and was born in Rancakalong, Sumedang, on February 18, 1994. She has Arab descent, which is reflected in her distinctive facial features.

7. At what age did Sule get married?

After completing his education in 1997, he married Lina Jubaedah at the age of 19. After that, he continued his studies at the Indonesian Art Institute (STSI) Bandung, which is now known as the Indonesian Institute of Arts and Culture Bandung.

8. Why did Sule divorce Nathalie Holscher?

Nathalie stated that incompatibility was the reason for her separation from the versatile artist. "Basically, there was no compatibility and it couldn't be maintained," she added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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