Shraddha Kapoor Caught on Camera Walking with Rahul Mody, Officially Dating?
Shraddha Kapoor and Rahul Mody were seen together, denying breakup rumors with various romantic moments. - The love story of Billy Syahputra and Vika Kolesnaya has become a hot topic lately. Despite coming from different backgrounds, this younger brother of Olga Syahputra seems to be trying to adapt and understand his girlfriend from Belarus. Although there has been no official announcement regarding their future relationship plans, Billy has often invited Vika to several events with him.
On several occasions, Billy described Vika as a unique woman who is different from his ex-girlfriends. He revealed that Vika does not judge him based on popularity or status in the entertainment world. This makes Billy feel comfortable, as Vika does not view him from a material or social status perspective, but rather from his personality and character. There are many other aspects that ultimately make him determined to approach this beautiful woman who works as a model.
In a television event, Billy seemed to invite Vika to come, and her appearance caught the audience's attention. Coinciding with the month of Ramadan, Vika wore a long scarf pinned to her head, partially covering her hair. She also wore a soft gray patterned outfit, consisting of a loose long-sleeved top and matching bottoms, creating an elegant and modest impression.
Billy also taught her about religious values, including the concept of fasting. However, Billy admitted that he did not force his girlfriend to fast for a full day right away.
YT/Billy Syahputra
Previously, Billy Syahputra showed his seriousness in building a relationship with Vika when he flew to Belarus to meet Vika's family in person. This was a big step for him. Vika was equally enthusiastic, even expressing her fondness for Billy and his family, and she had no objections to living in Indonesia.
Although they have been through many things together, Billy is still reluctant to provide a specific date for their wedding. He prefers to maintain privacy and states that the wedding plans are still in the discussion stage. However, the two of them often appear together at various public events, showing that their relationship is becoming stronger.
Billy Syahputra is now even more determined to take the step towards marriage. After returning from Belarus, where he met Vika's family, during a television event, Billy expressed his hope to get married after he turns 34. He feels ready to live life with a partner, especially after receiving blessings from Vika's parents.
In a video he uploaded on his YouTube account, Billy also invited Vika to visit the grave of Olga Syahputra, with the intention of introducing his girlfriend to his family members, especially his deceased brother.
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