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Posting a Photo of 18 Weeks Pregnancy Ultrasound, Irish Bella: Oh God, Protect Our Baby

Posting a Photo of 18 Weeks Pregnancy Ultrasound, Irish Bella: Oh God, Protect Our Baby Ammar Zoni - Irish Bella © Akrom Sukarya - Pregnancy Irish Bella is now at 18 weeks. Not wanting to miss the moments of fetal development in her stomach, the wife of Ammar Zoni shared the ultrasound photo on her Instagram. 

"You have brought indescribable happiness to mother and father. Every night I sing a lullaby for you (Asmaul Husna) hoping you can hear the voice of mother and father from outside the womb," Irish Bella wrote on her Instagram, Friday (8/5/2020).


1. Seeking Protection

For Irish Bella, this pregnancy is an indescribable happiness and love. This is because her baby comes shortly after her two twin children passed away.

"You are the definition of unconditional love, because even though we haven't seen you or hugged you, you are my world and I will love you until my last breath," she said.

This 24-year-old woman prays and asks for protection from the Almighty until the day of delivery.

"Oh Allah, O Protector, protect our precious child.. O All-Hearing.. O Responsive," Irish Bella concluded.

2. Prayer Flood

This upload from Irish Bella was immediately flooded with prayers from netizens. They prayed for the health of the fetus that is currently in Irish Bella's womb until the time of its birth. And netizens are also eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new member in the Irish Bella and Ammar Zoni family. 

As is known, Irish Bella's previous pregnancy did not go smoothly. The twin babies died in the womb before birth and were immediately buried. Therefore, in this pregnancy, both Irish and Ammar are very careful in taking care of it.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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9 Beautiful Photos of Anissa Aziza, Raditya Dika's Wife, Currently Pregnant with Their Second Child

9 Beautiful Photos of Anissa Aziza, Raditya Dika's Wife, Currently Pregnant with Their Second Child

Latest news, now happiness is also approaching Radit and Anissa. They are currently awaiting the arrival of their second child. It is known that the couple, who got married on May 5, 2018, has announced the second pregnancy of the wife. The video post was then flooded with congratulations from the public.

9 Beautiful Photos of Anissa Aziza, Raditya Dika's Wife, Currently Pregnant with Their Second Child