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Rafathar and Baim Wong Often Argue, Here's an Explanation from Nagita Slavina

Rafathar and Baim Wong Often Argue, Here's an Explanation from Nagita Slavina Baim Wong - Rafathar - Nagita Slavina. Credit: via taken on 29/03/2020 at 15.20 - Son of Nagita Slavina and Raffi Ahmad named Rafathar Malik Ahmad with Baim Wong are like Tom & Jerry. Every time they meet, there is always a fight that happens.

Although they often fight, Nagita Slavina said that their child is not really angry with Paula Verhoeven's husband. Secretly, Rafathar often asks about Baim Wong.

"But after I saw it myself, actually our child (Rafathar) is not that angry. Sometimes he asks. For example, when I watch YouTube and there's Baim, (Rafathar asks) what is Uncle Baim doing. So actually, he doesn't fight that much, it's just because he likes to be teased," said Nagita Slavina during a live stream on the YouTube channel Sekolahmu, Thursday (26/3).

1. Rafathar, the Quick-Tempered Child

Nagita Slavina admitted that her child is indeed quick-tempered when teased, but also quick to recover.

"It just so happens that Rafathar has a slightly short fuse. But he quickly calms down. Sometimes he can talk to Baim, play together, he gets angry quickly, but also recovers quickly," she explained.

2. Nagita Always Talks to Rafathar Before Bedtime

As a mother, Nagita Slavina always teaches Rafathar not to get angry with people who tease him. Every night before bedtime, Nagita Slavina always talks to Rafathar from the heart.

"But behind that, I always remind Rafathar that (Baim Wong) is a good person, sometimes people forget when they like to tease. Like Rafathar, if Mama tells him, sometimes he gets angry, which means he forgets. So I always teach him," she explained.

"So if he gets angry, with anyone, not just Baim, I always try to reflect on it every day before bedtime. We talk about what happened that day, why he got angry. We always talk before bedtime," concluded Nagita Slavina.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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