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Realizing Vanessa Angel's Desire, Here are a Series of Photos of Fuji Inviting Gala Sky's Caregiver for Umrah - Expressing Emotional Feelings

Realizing Vanessa Angel's Desire, Here are a Series of Photos of Fuji Inviting Gala Sky's Caregiver for Umrah - Expressing Emotional Feelings Fuji Invites Gala Sky Caretaker Ida Wida for Umrah (credit: - It is known that currently Fuji, the younger sister of Bibi Andriansyah and Vanessa Angel, is performing umrah with Ida Wida, who is the caretaker of Gala Sky. Their umrah journey has attracted public attention.

In fact, Fuji invited Ida because it was the desire of the late Vanessa Angel to take the caretaker of her child for umrah. No wonder, Ida is grateful to be able to go to the Holy Land for umrah.

So, what are the pictures of Fuji and Ida, who is the caretaker of Gala Sky, during their umrah journey together? Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. Realizing Vanessa Angel's Wish

Yes, it is known that the departure of Ida, who was Gala Sky's caregiver, for umrah was Vanessa Angel's wish, KLovers. As reported by, this was revealed by Fuji, that her sister-in-law really wanted to take her child's caregiver on a pilgrimage.

"Remembering the deceased, because Kak Vanes wanted to take Mba Ida, since before she was pregnant she really wanted to take Ida on umrah," said Fuji.


2. Feeling Sad

This certainly made Fuji realize her sister's dream, and took Ida on umrah together with her. Even Fuji felt sad, remembering the deceased's wish. Although in the end she was grateful because she could fulfill her sister's wish and go to the Holy Land with Ida.

"But it's the same for me, so it's like- Alhamdulillah I can come here, get sustenance," she said with tears in her eyes.

3. Mba Ida's Expression

Not only Fuji, Ida also revealed that Vanessa Angel's desire has finally been fulfilled because she has invited her to perform Umrah. In her personal Instagram account, she conveyed the message along with her photo with Fuji.

"Ka Vanes' dream of bringing Umrah account to fruition," said mba Ida.

4. Feeling Grateful

Not only that, Ida also expressed her gratitude with a happy heart. On her Instagram account, Ida expressed that she never stops thanking Allah SWT for all the blessings she has received.

"Masyaallah tabarakallah never-ending gratitude to you, O Lord," said Ida in her Instagram caption.

5. Always Together with Fuji

On Fuji and Ida's Instagram accounts, they share their time together in the Holy Land. From the beginning of their journey until they arrived in Mecca, Fuji and Ida were always together. They shared various moments during their umrah in the Holy Land.

6. Feeling Very Happy

Ida and Fuji also looked very happy. The aura of happiness and sincere smiles were evident as they performed their worship directly in the Holy Land.

These are some of the portraits of Fuji and Ida who performed umrah together because they wanted to fulfill Vanessa Angel's dream. Even, they felt very grateful and happy during this worship journey.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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