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Related to Illegal Access and Evidence Disappearance Case, Doctor Richard Lee Fulfills Investigator's Summons

Related to Illegal Access and Evidence Disappearance Case, Doctor Richard Lee Fulfills Investigator's Summons Kapanlagi/Muhammad Akrom Sukarya - Beauty doctor and YouTuber Richard Lee is once again being examined at the Cyber Crime Unit of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police in relation to a case of alleged illegal access and removal of evidence on Wednesday (8/9/2021). Richard Lee arrived at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police accompanied by his lawyer, Razman Arif Nasution.

From the examination results, it turns out that the case file of doctor Richard Lee that has been submitted to the Prosecutor's Office is still incomplete. The case file was then returned to the investigators of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police and doctor Richard Lee was examined to obtain additional information.


1. Meeting with Investigators

"Today I will meet with Investigator Richard Lee, according to information and notification from the investigator's office that the examination files of Dr. Richard Lee and Hans Pranata have been submitted to the Jakarta DKI Prosecutor's Office," said Razman when met at the Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday (8/9).

"Based on the examination results from the Jakarta DKI Prosecutor's Office, additional statements from Dr. Richard Lee are needed today," he continued. When asked further, Richard Lee's side did not want to comment much. He ensured that this case would quickly proceed to trial.

2. Informed to the Media

"Whatever the results of the examination, we will inform all media friends. And God willing, we will push for this case to quickly proceed to trial," he said.

It is known that Richard Lee was arrested by the police on Wednesday (11/8/2021) at his residence in Palembang, South Sumatra, on charges of illegal access and tampering with evidence. The evidence seized by the investigators in the defamation case reported by Kartika Putr was Richard Lee's Instagram account, which Richard Lee was accused of accessing without permission.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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