Affected, Okan Kornelius' Business Experiences Decline During the Pandemic
Not only shooting activities, but the Covid-19 pandemic also affects Okan Kornelius' business. - If many people feel very disappointed because in this year 2020 many things cannot be done due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Rendy Pandugo is grateful. He feels that this is the right time to spend quality time with his beloved family at home.
"As long as you can give good quality time, why not. Especially in this situation, it's the most appropriate time according to me. In 2020, many people complain if we can skip it, no man, I mean (time) with your family where maybe the previous quality time was lacking," said Rendy Pandugo during a virtual press conference, some time ago.
During the time at home, Rendy Pandugo also engaged in various fun activities with his wife and child. One of his favorite activities is accompanying his child to learn writing and drawing.
"My activities during this pandemic are actually quite a lot with my wife and child. Since he is still three years old, I also teach him the standard things that parents teach, like writing or drawing," said the singer of Silver Rain.
Meanwhile, with his wife, he admitted to watching movies together more often or discussing food. Rendy Pandugo also remained productive in writing songs.
"When I'm with my wife, we usually talk about food, haha. Or we have movie marathons. I also write songs, but songs have their own time," he concluded.
Besides trying to stay at home, there are still several ways that can be done to prevent the spread of Covid-19. For example, by always adhering to health protocols.
#RememberMother'sMessage, KLovers, keep your distance, regularly wash your hands with soap, wear a mask when traveling. With that, hopefully this pandemic can end soon.
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Not only shooting activities, but the Covid-19 pandemic also affects Okan Kornelius' business.
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