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Renting a Room is Almost Over, El Rumi is Confused About Moving his Boarding House Items

Renting a Room is Almost Over, El Rumi is Confused About Moving his Boarding House Items El Rumi © - Studying in London, England, El Rumi temporarily has to stay in a boarding house. And now, his temporary place of residence is approaching the end of the rental period.

Now in Indonesia, the second son of Maia Estianty admitted that he was a little confused about the condition of his temporary home. Because he cannot move his belongings that are inside the boarding house to another place. And as we know, El is currently enjoying his vacation and returning to Indonesia.

"Indeed, I have to find a way, ask for help from friends there who can assist. Because usually the key is held by the room owner. How to then send this key to them," said El Rumi recently.

1. Asking for Permission from the Landlord.

According to El Rumi, Andi wants to move his belongings from his boarding house, he must at least ask for permission from the landlord to get the key to his room, so that his friends can help, 

"Try to communicate with the landlord, they usually have spare keys. Make sure that your friends there really have your mandate,"

2. Assisted by the Indonesian Embassy

Not only assisted by friends, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in London can also help if El Rumi feels difficulties. "The embassy can help strengthen by making a statement letter," he said.

As known, this pandemic condition has caused many activities to be halted, including flights abroad. Although he can go home, El Rumi is still not allowed to return to London. 


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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