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Reported for Sexual Harassment Allegations, Here are 11 Pictures of Hotman Paris Giving Clarification Casually While Eating Together with Beautiful Flight Attendants: That's Why Before Accusing People, Use Your Brain

Reported for Sexual Harassment Allegations, Here are 11 Pictures of Hotman Paris Giving Clarification Casually While Eating Together with Beautiful Flight Attendants: That's Why Before Accusing People, Use Your Brain

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Reported for Sexual Harassment Allegations, Here are 11 Pictures of Hotman Paris Giving Clarification Casually While Eating Together with Beautiful Flight Attendants: That's Why Before Accusing People, Use Your Brain

Recently, Hotman Paris has been reported to the Jakarta Metropolitan Police for allegations of lewd content in his posts. Not staying silent, Hotman immediately clarified the issue casually while having a meal with a beautiful flight attendant. So, what does the picture look like? Let's see it here.


Accused of posting lewd content on his Instagram, Hotman Paris finally provided clarification in a video post on his Instagram a few hours ago.


Not feeling nervous about addressing the allegations, Hotman casually and calmly provided clarification while having a meal with a beautiful flight attendant.


In the video, Hotman practices what he is accused of, which is obscene pornography. Yes, sitting side by side, Hotman is also close while holding the woman's hand.


After that, Hotman expressed that everything should be thought through with the mind. "That's why before accusing someone, always use your brain, before accusing someone, use your brain," said Hotman Paris in the video.


Furthermore, Hotman actually provides an explanation about pornography according to him.


"The definition of pornography is when promoting or spreading vital parts that should indeed be covered," said Hotman Paris.


Not only that, Hotman also mocked that it's just dancing. He mentioned that even President Soekarno only danced when he was in the palace. "If it's just dancing, then what about people, during Soekarno's time as president, they only danced in the palace," he added.


Not only that, Hotman even showed his profession. He revealed that he is a club entrepreneur.


Moreover, Hotman also stated that he has many endorsers. His other activities include being a host on television shows with the highest ratings and many viewers.


Not only that, this famous lawyer Hotman also knows his position in the court and never dances.


Hotman also conveyed to people who envy him not to accuse him of pornography. "So if you're jealous, if you want to move forward, that's not the way, don't accuse me of pornography, I'm a new businessman who provides a place to dance, of course I have to show dances, that's marketing", he concluded.