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Reported Missing, Here are 7 Pictures of Marshanda's Residence in Los Angeles, United States

Reported Missing, Here are 7 Pictures of Marshanda's Residence in Los Angeles, United States


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Reported Missing, Here are 7 Pictures of Marshanda's Residence in Los Angeles, United States

Unpleasant news comes from Marshanda. The soap opera star Bidadari is reported missing while in Los Angeles.

What does Marshanda's residence look like while in Los Angeles? Find out more here.


This is what the front of the apartment rented by Marshanda through AirBnb in Los Angeles, United States looks like.

Reported Missing, Here are 7 Pictures of Marshanda's Residence in Los Angeles, United States

This apartment is her temporary residence while she undergoes treatment for her illness.


Marshanda occupied this apartment when she first sought treatment in Los Angeles in 2021. It is unknown whether she is still in this apartment or not. 


As is known, Marshanda was reported missing while in Los Angeles, United States. Sheila Salsabila, a friend who revealed the disappearance of the woman affectionately called Caca through the Instagram social media platform. 

Reported Missing, Here are 7 Pictures of Marshanda's Residence in Los Angeles, United States

Sheila also mentioned that Marshanda disappeared in a Manic or Mania state, which is a psychological condition that causes someone to experience abnormal euphoria, intense mood swings, hyperactivity, and delusions.


It is known that Marshanda's own Instagram account has not posted any activities for the past 3 days.


Hopefully there is good news and Marshanda can be found soon, KLovers.