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Reported Missing in America, Here Are 15 Photos of Marshanda When She Was in Los Angeles

Reported Missing in America, Here Are 15 Photos of Marshanda When She Was in Los Angeles


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Reported Missing in America, Here Are 15 Photos of Marshanda When She Was in Los Angeles

Unpleasant news comes from Marshanda. The soap opera star Bidadari is reportedly missing while in Los Angeles.

What's the full story? Check it out here.

Reported Missing in America, Here Are 15 Photos of Marshanda When She Was in Los Angeles

It is Sheila Salsabila, one of Marshanda's friends, who reported that Nia Ramadhani's co-star in the soap opera Bidadari went missing.

Reported Missing in America, Here Are 15 Photos of Marshanda When She Was in Los Angeles

Through her personal Instagram account, Sheila mentioned that Marshanda has been missing for 2 days.

Reported Missing in America, Here Are 15 Photos of Marshanda When She Was in Los Angeles

Sheila even tagged several important figures, including President Joko Widodo.

Reported Missing in America, Here Are 15 Photos of Marshanda When She Was in Los Angeles

"Please help, Mr. @jokowi. Yesterday she mentioned your name and @joebiden," she wrote.


Sheila has a reason for tagging President Jokowi's account, because on one occasion, Marshanda mentioned the name of the number one person in Indonesia.


It is known that Marshanda's Instagram account has not uploaded any activities for the past 3 days.


Sheila also mentioned that Marshanda disappeared in a Manic or Mania condition, which is a psychological condition that causes someone to experience abnormal euphoria, intense mood swings, hyperactivity, and delusions.


Mania (or manic episode) is known to be a common symptom of bipolar disorder.


Until now, the Marshanda family itself has not spoken out about the news of the artist's disappearance.

Reported Missing in America, Here Are 15 Photos of Marshanda When She Was in Los Angeles

As is known, Marshanda is currently struggling with the mental disorder she suffers from, bipolar.


This condition worsened after it was also known that she had breast cancer.


Marshanda is known to often spread messages of body positivity to love her own body.


She herself went to Los Angeles at the end of August last year with the aim of treating her mental disorder.


She had bid farewell to her daughter Sienna who now lives with her stepfather and stepmother, Nesya Nabila at that time.

Reported Missing in America, Here Are 15 Photos of Marshanda When She Was in Los Angeles

Hopefully there is good news and Marshanda can be found soon, KLovers.