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Requested to Stop by Netizens, Here's a Portrait of Denny Sumargo Not Accepting His Podcast Being Considered a Curse and Calamity

Requested to Stop by Netizens, Here's a Portrait of Denny Sumargo Not Accepting His Podcast Being Considered a Curse and Calamity


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Requested to Stop by Netizens, Here's a Portrait of Denny Sumargo Not Accepting His Podcast Being Considered a Curse and Calamity

The disappearance of Ridwan Kamil's eldest son, Emmiril Khan Mumtadz, in the Aare River, Switzerland some time ago dragged Denny Sumargo's name. In the midst of the mourning situation due to the calamity, netizens asked Denny Sumargo to stop his podcast, as it was considered to bring curses.

Not accepting it, Denny Sumargo, who was angered, immediately posted several comments from netizens who had accused him. Check it out here!


This started from a comment by a netizen with the username @meiiii_01, who highlighted Denny Sumargo's podcast with Ridwan Kamil.


Angry with the comment, Denny Sumargo even sarcastically said, if you don't have a brain, at least have empathy.


The account owner then apologized to Denny Sumargo and asked to take down the post about the comment, because they were attacked by Denny's fans.


Some netizens even believe that the misfortune currently experienced by Ridwan Kamil's family is a punishment from the podcast with Denny Sumargo a few months ago.


They then link several misfortunes of other celebrity deaths, such as Mbak You the fortune teller who also passed away shortly after being invited to Curhat Bang Denny.

Requested to Stop by Netizens, Here's a Portrait of Denny Sumargo Not Accepting His Podcast Being Considered a Curse and Calamity

After that, there was the couple Vanessa Angel and Bibi Andriansyah who died in an accident last November. 


A few months after that, Denny Sumargo had a conversation with the late Laura Anna. However, Denny uploaded the video after Laura passed away. 


And before the Eril incident, there was the late Dorce Gamalama who also participated in Denny Sumargo's podcast. Because of this, netizens are urging Denny Sumargo to stop his content. On the other hand, Densu also received a lot of defense, according to them, someone's life and death is fate and only God knows.